My Mom makes me want to move out at 17

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Auzure, Feb 9, 2020.

  1. Auzure

    Auzure New Fapstronaut

    Today I was playing with my online friends in a PS4 party and as you know everyone tries to be obnoxiously loud just to annoy one another so I told them to “Please be quite bro you’re scaring my fish away” as a joke. My mother goes “Telling your friends to shutup? That’s probably why you have no real ones!” She’s very nosy and that’s why she figured out the fact that the “friends” I have at school like to hit me and a bunch of other mentally difficult things, she knows exactly that even though I didn’t want her to. She does this a lot and I’m a sensitive guy of course that is just my luck. She’ll yell really loud, and I’ll get so mad and she’ll see me trying to contain myself from breaking something and she’ll say anything along the lines “What I thought fucking baby”. Then I just can’t keep myself from fucking crying and she’ll tease me about that too. Same way my friends did at school when I made a joke and they had to repeat it real loud in front of our teacher whom I’m in good terms with. The other time we’re waiting to leave and the one kid just randomly punched me in the stomach hard as hell and you know how you can’t breath and it’s a mix of that and just being so done with shit you just start crying and then make a mockery of yourself in front of the class. Has anybody moved out at 17 or 18? How did you do?
    ahighertruth likes this.
  2. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    Sounds like your mom could use a whoopin, along with all the people that bother you.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. tommilover

    tommilover Fapstronaut

    Teen years are hell Auzure. It gets better. I think especially these days. My oldest brother moved out several times at various young ages, - didn't work out great for him - but that was many years ago. Now one of his kids is having a baby at 20, sort of doing worse than he did in a way. He's the least prepared in the whole family to be in that situation. My 11 year old niece is more ready for that than him. But I digress. Probably not the best idea to move out if you can hang on until college. That's a much cleaner escape, and you'll probably need your mom to fill out a FAFSA in order to get away. That said, it does sound like your mom is a special kind of terrible.
  4. Big lolz!
  5. Jackb97

    Jackb97 Fapstronaut

    Take up a martial art. Jiu-Jitsu maybe. Choke out the bullies and make sure your mum knows you did then just stare her down ;)
  6. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    Or he can Jiu-Jitsu his mother.
  7. ahighertruth

    ahighertruth Fapstronaut

    It’s called tough love. I get it...we all want to be treated like cupcakes especially by our moms. My dad used to call me useless and a son of a bitch growing up so I know how you feel. Sometimes I wish I did move out cause right now I am 31 still living with the guy. And the saddest part is my older brother is as well (even though he’s financially settled). My mom died when I was young and I missed her a lot I stopped caring for everything and ended up a drug addict. It’s so hard to bounce back now but once I get a decent job I’m moving and never contacting my family again.
  8. tommilover

    tommilover Fapstronaut

    one ringing endorsement for tough love
  9. Jackb97

    Jackb97 Fapstronaut

    If needs be ;)