New French member here

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by illbcpure, Aug 2, 2018.

  1. illbcpure

    illbcpure Fapstronaut

    Hello every one, I just found that website on reddit.

    I’m from France so my English isn’t very good but I hope you will understand me.

    I’m actually 22, working in the same place since I’m 18. This is literally killing me.

    But that’s not the only reason, when I was younger I spent my time on video games, PlayStation, computer... I was playing all the time, after school, in holiday... I préfèred to stay playing instead of going out with my friend.

    Quick exemple, I just re activate my Facebook account yesterday and I read theses messages I received 10 years ago, and I’m so fucking dumb... a lot of people including girls were talking to me and inviting me at somes parties, I was already declining their offer, god I regret a lot now, I am so alone, I have no girlfriend, I never had, I have no more friend to talk to or to go out with...

    Every one think I’m ok I got a job, I just bought an appartement but I hate my life so much I just can’t handle it anymore...

    And as if it wasn’t enough, I’m addicted to porn.. so today I decide to quit that shit, I’ll never watching porn again I promise to my self, and I promise to you all of you, even if I don’t know you..

    I really hope I could get what life has to offer someday, I would love to have a girlfriend to being with, to talk to... to just sharing love..

    I’m totally lost right now, I’m actually at work and I’m going crazy..

    This is a good start, I think, with a PMO, to start a new life...

    Thanks for reading me
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2018
    LakeMichigan and Flyhigh like this.
  2. illbcpure

    illbcpure Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your message, really appreciated, I’m already going to fitness, since 3 years, I builded myself a sort of nice body, people sometimes ask me what i dis for it, but stills, I want to be more than that
  3. HybridTheory

    HybridTheory Fapstronaut

    Welcome aboard bro. I'm 22 and almost have same story as you. I denied so many invitation. If i said "yes" my life won't be this pathetic. Your post made me nostalgic... Btw all the best on your journey bro..
    illbcpure likes this.
  4. illbcpure

    illbcpure Fapstronaut

    Thank you, I can’t say I’m glad that what happened to me happened to someone else. But I’m glad to see that I’m not the only person who want to change.

    Stay safe
    LakeMichigan likes this.
  5. Voyageusedutemps

    Voyageusedutemps Fapstronaut

    Bonjour, alors tu as reussi à tenir le coup ces 27 derniers jours ? Comment te sens-tu ?
  6. illbcpure

    illbcpure Fapstronaut


    Merci pour ton message.

    Je n’étais pas revenu sur le forum depuis, par facilité (et honte) je pense.

    Je vais actualiser la date.

    Sinon, ça pourrait aller beaucoup mieux. J’envisage de quitter mon travail et de reprendre mes études.

    Ce qui me met au plus bas dans ma vie actuellement c’est mon travail.

    La seule chose qui me tienne pour l’instant c’est le sport.

    Et toujours cette envie de rencontrer quelqu’un mais c’est compliqué. En même temps je ne fais rien pour que ça change, je me dis que ça viendra tout seul, mais je commence à douter.
  7. Moon Shot

    Moon Shot Fapstronaut