New here , but struggling since long time. Any help is welcome.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Newbornme, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. Newbornme

    Newbornme Fapstronaut

    Hey guys!
    First of all, after many researches on the internet for something to help me, i found these sites like nofap and its helping me a lot, because i am with a strong depression ( Result of many years of addiction ) and in my head i was the only one in the world who felt like this, but here i found that are many people just like me struggling with the same problem, so it gave me hope.
    So because of that i thank God for the life of every single one here.

    Im 25 now, but im porn addicted since 12, and i never imagined that a lot of problems that i have like depression, ED and many other sad things had to do with it. But after reading theses sites i found out that it has all to do, and i could finally realize how my life is getting destroyed by it.

    I desoeretly want to quit, but its so hard...The maximum that i could stay without was 1 month and a half, but i really want to reach the 90 days and quit this shit forever.

    Please, any advice, or any friendly hand to walk with me!! I want a new life out of this!
  2. Hi Newbornme:
    I feel for your situation. You seem to ba able to go without looking at porn way longer than I can. I'm very impressed that you can, because I can't ! I'm a total slave to this shit, so when the gong is banged, then I, like a sex robot must respond ! It's terrible to be like this. I really don't have the faintest idea whatsoever how to get free of this monster's grips, so I'm trying nofrap. BTW, can you tell me what "Nofap" is supposed to mean ? I figure it's some kind of abbreviation for something. (??) I encourage you to keep up your resistance against the porno monster.
  3. Newbornme

    Newbornme Fapstronaut

    Hey bro!
    Thank u so much for the answer, we are in the same situation, we are in the same boat, but i can tell you, when i found this website and found out that many guys are struggling with the same thing, it helped me a gave me hope.
    We can do this!!
    Lets help each other with advices.

    Porn has destroyed many things in my life, i dont want to be slave of this anymore.
    If you need to talk bro, count on me!
  4. Hey Newbornme:
    Thanks bro. Good to know I'm not alone.
  5. adriatik28

    adriatik28 Fapstronaut

    Hello there. I want to say that you're not alone and that you're in the right place with the right people. Like you, I also am struggling with PMO and with the time I've been spending here, I've discovered that PMO was my escape from the stuff I've been running away for a long time. I've discovered (and still am) why I abuse PMO and deal with these underlying problems.

    I hope you'll meet a lot of fellows here who can help you and guide you, like I did. I wish you well on your personal journey. :)
  6. Newbornme

    Newbornme Fapstronaut

    Thank u so much guys for the friendly words..

    Can anyone help me with the journal?
    I want to start it but i dont know how it works.
  7. adriatik28

    adriatik28 Fapstronaut

    Hey there. to start a journal, just click on the "forums" box above and scroll down to journals. Find the age range you belong in and start a thread. The comments aren't limited by the age groups we're in. It's also a great way to meet fellows here who can help you in your journey. :) You can also start adding fellows here as "friends" or "contacts", just like in social media. Hope that helps.
  8. Deja Vu

    Deja Vu New Fapstronaut

    its a shame we go trhough this...shame we are so ignorant to porn... but the light is indeed u guys that stay strong and fight!! we are still men and we get what we want!! so let's fkin do this!
  9. ig88

    ig88 Guest

    It is..totally is.. I imagine these people that make this to watch are trapped as well and it is an endless cycle.

    Another way to look at it is if we could come face to face with these creators, and see that he/or she is stealing my life - hijacking my life and time.

    Stand against these people - Like NEO in the MATRIX... bust out of the fluid sack and wake up.

    Hang in there, Stay strong.