No more porn

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by alaaaaaa__, Jan 18, 2022.

  1. alaaaaaa__

    alaaaaaa__ Fapstronaut

    How to shorten my requiring time to heal up from addiction ?
  2. AlexFightsAlex

    AlexFightsAlex Fapstronaut

    There are no shortcuts my friend, patience is key here. Anyway, there are things that can be done to create a very positive environment. Those things have been described in many places, and are things like: prayer, meditation, physical exercise, good sleeping / eating habits, do something that motivates you, contact with nature, playing an instrument, etc.
    alaaaaaa__ likes this.
  3. LeifHaugen

    LeifHaugen Fapstronaut

    I use ORMUS. Its a natural elixir that is made from salts from various areas of the world. Like the dead sea salts which is in Palestine/Jordan and contains trace elements of different metals but before they are in metallic form like gold, silver, platinium, paladium, etc. The various mountains in the region form and create salt from the natural minerals, they all run down into the sea where its then collected from. They protect certain parts of the brain and they give you an abundance of energy. Most people are lacking in the essentials like magnesium for instance so these are very healthy to consume. I started taking it for this reason, and I had no idea that it would make me lose interest in watching porn, netflix, etc. I deleted all social media except for youtube as well and I'm really only interested in reading and watching information videos. Its life changing, but everyone is different too. My friend also got some a few days after me and he has also reported that he has not had any urges to masterbate. It may take weeks or even months to experience all the benefits of it, so just so you know you may not stop immediately that was just my friend & I experience that it happened immediately. It does not prevent you from getting turned on, as I have repeated sexual thoughts throughout the day, but even when I've been tempted enough to take it to the next level and try to get off, I just either fall asleep or lose interest. With the increased energy you have using this, you will get better sleep and get tired easier. One of the reason I think that masterbating has been so hard for me to quit, is that I could never sleep well. I would stay up very late without feeling tired, and the more time to myself the more I think about sex. A few days ago I was extremely horny, and almost busted, but right before I did, I stopped and just lost interest because I didnt want to deal with the after mess. I have never experienced blue balls a day in my life, so stopping is not problematic for me. It probably sounds too good to be true but I assure you its not. The soil where I live is depleted in these natural minerals, so in the food we eat these minerals are not present. This means unless you supplement it, you are most likely also deficient. Im in the US, so maybe thats just me, its possible in places like the levant for instance that these natural minerals may still be present because of the high concentration found in the dead sea may also be present in the farm lands there but I dont know. Of course I will recommend you do your own research before buying and using it, but I think that the healing powers in this are abundantly clear when you start using it. I bought mine from a website called Etsy where people sell their DIY items, thats probably where you will be able to buy it the freshest but ive also seen it on amazon as well. I'd also recommend you dont take the capsules because the body does not absorb capsules very well, only about 18% of the capsule gets absorbed, where as in liquid form i think 80% plus is normal so far more effective. This stuff is expensive so make it all count.
    Long Range likes this.
  4. alaaaaaa__

    alaaaaaa__ Fapstronaut

    I do it so much bro . I do exercise. I pray everyday . I watch movies as it makes me feel good. I stop then I say why I do it . Then oops I relapse . You won’t believe me if I said that it ‘d be more than 120 days before my birthday and I decided to make it special . Now I’m scared , lonely and can’t even concentrate on my exams
  5. PegasusKid

    PegasusKid Fapstronaut

    Idk if you can really shorten the time, but you can definitely take advantage of your recovery by engaging in healthy habits. But like anything else, it'll take as long as it takes and if you dread the time it takes, that'll only increase feelings of being deprived and make nofap harder than it needs to be. The time is gonna pass either way, best thing you can do is not use porn in that time.
    alaaaaaa__ likes this.
  6. alaaaaaa__

    alaaaaaa__ Fapstronaut

    As I’m depressed now , I won’t do fapping for a while and the damage it did to me these days makes me hate that so much ! I ‘m just too scared that I wasted all of the past time although I could use it to heal me up rather than now :/
  7. Long Range

    Long Range Fapstronaut

    The best way to shorten the time required to heal is to not relapse so that you don't have to start at day zero again! You can do it, we all can!
  8. NutMaster777

    NutMaster777 Fapstronaut

    Castration :)