Porn, natural progression?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Damnation, Oct 3, 2019.

  1. Damnation

    Damnation Fapstronaut

    I read an article a week or two ago about why marriage is declining so rapidly. Men today aren't financially attractive to women. And the pool of financially attractive men is shrinking.

    So, if marriage and relationships are declining, as tech continues to get cheaper, could it not be seen that porn use, then VR porn and eventually sex robots in the home for most people will actually be the natural progression of things?

    If you think about sex as far as reproduction, the need for humans is always declining. 1st world nations realized that a few decades ago. Automation and robotics are going to eliminate the need for most humans over the next 50 years. The more I consider this, the more I feel we are fighting an inevitability.
  2. I think that will be so, but how will the economy work?
  3. Damnation

    Damnation Fapstronaut

    The economy is headed for disaster on a global scale, all nations, especially the war mongering U.S will have to accept its shrinking ability to police the globe. I think there will be hyper separatism and extreme nationalism.
  4. dignifiedrose

    dignifiedrose Fapstronaut

    I agree, technology is in the process of replacing labor once deemed uniquely human. Already, automation has replaced factory and warehouse jobs on a huge scale (looking at you Amazon) and, barring some international disaster, the complexity of software and information processing will begin to creep into the boundary of what is considered skilled labor. The idea of Universal Basic Income is something of a response to this, and without action and foresight from our leaders, these efforts might not be quick enough. 50 years isn't that much of a stretch.

    However, I don't see that possibility as detracting from people's goals on this site. For me, I this program is a way to take more control over my life. I want to focus on choosing long term happiness over short term pleasure. Being able to make a choice instead of being pushed into a degrading habit is invaluable, and it extends far past PMO. Maybe the future is full of perfect human replicates and VR simulations, but being able to lead a proactive, meaningful life is never going to be outdated.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2019
    Deleted Account and drac16 like this.
  5. Ghost in the Shell

    Ghost in the Shell Fapstronaut

    There's probably more guys today who're "happy" not having a gf since they can just fap to some hentai tiddies but the overwhelming majority of people still pairs up, builds houses and makes children. Loneliness wasn't canceled, people want to raise the next generation like they always did and it's cheaper and safer to live with a partner than alone. Relax.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Porn is harmful bullshit whether you're in a relationship or not.

    Even if you're somehow doomed to never be with someone, just be a celibate badass. I don't see how pixellated women and robots are a "natural progression". That's like saying drinking weedkiller is a natural progression.

    Men aren't financially attractive? Well, get lost gold diggers lol. Anyway it's probably just a bullshit article.
    SparkySub and Deleted Account like this.
  7. lol. nice.
  8. "Just as the whole movement of technical construction of the body and desire ends in the pornographic, so the whole movement of an indifferent society ends in victimhood and hatred." -Jean Baudrillard, 1995

    From Nicholas Carr's Twitter. Thread made me think of it.
  9. I’m 52 and was chatting on the phone with a friend of mine who is 70.

    This topic came up, how young men today are not financially able to take care of a wife and kids because of decisions they are making.

    We didn’t discuss it as being “financially attractive” but as being financially capable of supporting a family.

    Correct me if you were going in a different direction than what I’m thinking but I feel what you’re saying has some merit to it.

    Young men today are hooked on video games, porn, virtual words, and many other things that hinder them from being a solid husband and father.

    My friend and I were sharing stories about young women in their late 20’s and 30’s we’ve met that have lamented how it’s hard to find a man that is not childlike. The guy might be fun to be with but when it comes time to find a guy who will make a solid commitment and step up and provide financially, the guys they meet just want to keep playing and have no interest in getting into a good paying career.

    Perhaps this is were I diverge from your thinking.

    I think more and more men will slip into the fantasy world and settle for the games, VR, porn, prostitutes, and sex dolls and reject real women.

    But on the other hand I believe that women will continue to want to be with real men but will be forced to settle for less than what they deserve and take on to a man that isn’t so great.

    If I’m totally off track from where you were headed with this thread let me know.

    I look forward to other views on this issue.
    dignifiedrose likes this.