Properly dedicating myself now!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by stephenfalken, Mar 18, 2019.

  1. stephenfalken

    stephenfalken Fapstronaut

    Hi Guys,

    I've been trying to rid myself of this habbit for a while now, and nothing I've tried works, so have decided to come onto this forum for support and advice.

    Tomorrow will be my first day, and I'm looking forward to what it will bring.

  2. Welcome to nofap man, youve certainly come to the right place. Good luck :)
    stephenfalken likes this.
  3. stephenfalken

    stephenfalken Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the kind words man!
  4. stephenfalken

    stephenfalken Fapstronaut

    Just thought I'd post an update.

    Feeling pretty good about the progress, I managed a 5 day streak until this weekend when my girlfriend came round and after sleeping with her, I unfortunately feel back into the PMO. One of the main things I want to fix is the relationship with my girlfriend, as I feel, like many other people, that I enjoy porn more than real sexual interaction.

    From being on the forum now for a few days, I've noticed that lots of people have ranges of streaks and that not everyone is going hard - which is nice; before I came on I thought that everyone would be on 2 year+ streaks and so it's nice to see that everyone here is still human and work towards it slowly.

    I'm aiming for at least 7 days this time, and will write an update about that soon.

    Peace out everyone!
  5. stephenfalken

    stephenfalken Fapstronaut

    So I've been doing this for about 3 weeks now, and although the last few days I've relapsed badly, I'm happy with how things are going. I've gone from PMOing every single day, to only doing it on average maybe once or twice a week, which is a significant improvement!

    I'm again going to try and go for a long streak, and keep myself occupied with fitness and the like.
  6. stephenfalken

    stephenfalken Fapstronaut

    Things are getting much harder. My parents went on holiday for a few days, and so I told myself that I could have 2 days off but thats sent me into a bit of a downward spiral.

    I think initially I did okay with 5 days because I joined NoFap and so something significant changed which gave me motivation. However I think I'm loosing that now.

    I think I'm going to have to make myself short goals and see if I can make them. My next goal is to make it to next week so (thursday, friday, saturday + sunday). I'm going to make myself very busy during those days as well which will hopefully help.
  7. stephenfalken

    stephenfalken Fapstronaut

    So successfully managed 5 days, and then relapsed. I don't feel bad about the relapse, and if anything it has motivated me further and I think i'm doing really well now.

    Heres to at least 7 days this time!
  8. bfdet

    bfdet Fapstronaut

    Hi @stephenfalken !

    If you haven't already done so, read the "getting started guide" available on this site's (noFAP) home page. It includes a lot of information that may be helpful for you. Pay special attention to discussions about "triggers" (check the glossary on the top of this page for definitions of terms and abbreviations that may be unfamiliar to you).

    When you've relapsed, do you know what caused the relapse ? Being alone ? Looking at P-subs (see glossary above) ? Idle browsing social media sites ? There are a lot of things that can prompt a relapse and a lot of things that can be done to ward off resets and relapses. For now, read about triggers and think about your triggers and what you will do to avoid them.

    There is more to say. It can wait for now.

    One day at a time is how we all succeed.