Stop whining, you dont have porn addiction

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by snrub, Sep 27, 2014.

  1. wotawanka

    wotawanka Fapstronaut

    At the risk of offending people I kinda like what the OP had to say and it worked for me. I don't think he delivered his message particularly well but why chastise someone for that. My life has been a far bigger battle than any problems I could ever have with PMO etc. due to a long term and chronic illness. I've dealt with that by respecting it but at the same time always telling myself that it isn't that bad. I feel sorry for myself at times but I won't let that last too long as it would beat me and that is never going to happen. I think the OP is trying to say something along those lines and it resonated with my personal experiences.

    I'm new here and new to abstaining from PMO and I don't wish to be offensive when I say that I feel that there is a whiney element to some of what is posted on here. I really don't want to try and diminish any of the pain or emotional trauma anyone might feel on their respective journeys by saying that but I have to be honest. There is nothing wrong in any healing process with licking your wounds and that means whiney is fine and a relevant and necessary part of the process. I also know that there have been times in my life when I've had no other choice other than the good old fashioned "man-up" routine and it has worked wonders. You have to dig deep at times and there is a lot of comfort being stuck at the bottom of a rut. You can't fall any further and it is safe. Any attempts at climbing out of it come with the risk of failure and falling back in.

    So I guess we all have a choice in life whether we want to be whiney or "man-up". There's a time a place for both in every problem we face in life. How bad is a PMO problem when you look at what people face on a daily basis in Syria and Israel? That's how I get through bad days, I just watch the 1st 10 minutes of the evening news and feel glad to be alive. It doesn't mean that I dance with joy but is sure as hell puts my problems into perspective and I get to move on.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2014
  2. Gasparzinho

    Gasparzinho Fapstronaut

    Right, so... what you're saying is that if I try to quit brushing my teeth, I will feel the same withdrawal symptoms as I did when I quit porn? Headaches, shaky hands, low energy, depression, etc?

    I highly doubt it.

    "Addiction" is a scientific term that may be a bit overused, but here you go too far I think.
  3. pmNO!!

    pmNO!! Fapstronaut

    Do you brush your teeth everyday? twice a day? Does it make you feel good? If you answered yes to 2 or more of these questions then yes if quit brushing your teeth could cause slight depression / anexity. I didn't brush my teeth today How in the hell can I go out public like this?? My breath WILL stink!!! Who has a tic tac?? Nobody does ??!! We must stop by 7-11 and get tic tacs NOW!!
  4. Weiland

    Weiland Fapstronaut

    There's a significant difference between addiction and just being bloody self-conscious.

    Moreover, this whole thread was designed to belittle men who struggle with PMO; the OP's heavy-handed and obnoxious approach was laughable at best and severely condescending and critical at worst.

    Listen, we have a hard enough time coming forward with our PMO struggles. The last thing we need is some capital jackass chest-thumping at us with, "Oh, quit your bitching - you don't really have a problem and you just need to 'man up' and 'deal with it'." Self-superior, judgmental, and belittling attitudes have no place here. This is not a place where PMO addicts come to get smacked around and demeaned; they come here to put differences aside and support each other through their common struggle.

    Enough is enough.
  5. ChiliPalmer

    ChiliPalmer Fapstronaut

    Cocaine is not physically addictive. It is psychologically addictive, just like pornography.
  6. SBoy49

    SBoy49 Fapstronaut

    Is it an addiction?

    I had a Hell of a time quitting cocaine 20 years ago. I was however successful. It serves my purpose to call it an addiction because I see myself as having an addictive personality.
    To me, lots of things are addictions that might not be for the OP. Right now it serves my purpose to consider porn an addiction. I am coming up on 30 days, which was my goal. I hope a create a new, larger goal instead of spanking off to celebrate 30 days.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2014
  7. Weiland

    Weiland Fapstronaut

    There are definitions and technicalities, but I consider something an addiction if I keep finding myself drawn back to it no matter how hard I try to stay away. It's one of those things where you don't realize the potency of the gravity well until you try to escape orbit.
  8. ###

    ### Fapstronaut

    The assumption is that porn isn't an addiction 1. because it doesn't drive you to illegally use it on the street, and 2. it doesn't cause withdrawal symptoms.

    1. How many alcohol or drug addicts illegally use in public? Being able to exercise a moderate level of self-preservation isn't the litmus test for addiction. If anything, an addict knows that if he's arrested, he may have a harder time getting his drug, so his self-discipline is really just the addiction looking out for itself.

    2. I did have withdrawal symptoms coming off PMO (insomnia, pains, shakes, etc.) but it's true that they're obviously nothing like DT's. But just because alcohol and drugs were discovered as addictions first, does every addiction from now on have to behave in the exact same way those do? Some viruses have more violent physical symptoms than others, but it doesn't make other viruses non-viruses.

    It doesn't really matter what the problem is called. If a person has exhausted all habit-breaking methods without success, why not temporarily call it addiction and use the methods (12 step groups, addiction therapy) that work with other addictions? Worked for me. Then when you've had some time off it, you can go back to calling it whatever you want.