The Every Now & Again Binge Type User

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Oct 2, 2019.

  1. If you don't use daily how can you still label yourself an addict? If you aren't dependent but every so often you find yourself going off the rails and boarding the crazy train? Surely a binge-r can identify as having problematic use even if it isn't a dependency because when they use it becomes a binge as they can't stop until they gorge their senses with whatever it is. I guess in this case sexualized pixels or porn if you prefer.

    Hi I'm McGleepher and I need to stop going off on binges time and time again.

    romeolima and Optimum Fortitude like this.
  2. romeolima

    romeolima Fapstronaut

    I didn't always use daily, I could go several days without but then I could have a couple of weeks where I used every day, sometimes more than once.

    I think having read some other peoples experiences on here that I was not clinically addicted but that's not to say that I didn't have a problem with porn.

    Porn has been a part of my life for over 20 years and whilst not clinically addicted it's still not something I'm finding easy to give up.

    Good luck on your journey
  3. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    I think there will be a lot of people who use porn who won't be addicted to it. One of the reasons I think this is because I believe most men in any first world country will use porn.

    They done a study in Australia and 100% of the men watched porn, 100%. If that's happening in Australia then it's happening in most, or every first world country. They have done studies where every high school and college male student used porn. I just get fed up with the guys who try to argue that there is much less men that use porn than don't use porn. Believe me in first world countries more men use porn than don't use it.

    Now in terms of addiction there is different ways to use porn. By the way I also count all porn substitutes as porn as well. Anything artificial that your masturbating to, particularly on a screen I consider porn. But you might get one guy who masturbates to porn for a few minutes once a week, then you might get another guy who masturbates to porn literally once a month or even less, then you might get another guy who masturbates to porn an hour every day, then you might get another guy who binges on it all day every day. All these guys use porn.

    But I think the difference is wither your using porn for a quick sexual release or if your using porn for a dopamine fix. Guys who use porn for a quick sexual release have usually ejaculated to one video, image within about 5 minutes and that's them done. This is someone who has used porn for a quick sexual release. But someone who uses porn for a dopamine fix is binging on it, edging flicking about hundreds of different content. The longer and more you do this the more of a dopamine fix you're after and getting.

    This is the difference between a casual porn user and a porn addict.

    Now it's quite difficult to though, because I do think there will be guys who use it occasionally casually the majority of the time, but then on an odd occasion they might also go in to that binging behaviour. As the human brain naturally loves novelty, and sexual novelty is our highest natural reward. Seeking and searching causes the most dopamine to release, and the way high speed internet is there's never ending searching and novelty.

    Just to give you another example dopamine actually rises higher just before you have sex than when you're actually having sex. It's designed this way to highly motivate you to have sex in the first place. I'm sure you have also thought of searching something and got that extreme sexual excitement? This is the dopamine rising heavily motivating you to search. Because it's seen as a rewarding behaviour. You have trained your brain this is rewarding. This is actually how it works with other addictions as well, with things like alcohol, drugs, PMO, even things like junk food and video games. These things are actually known as super normal stimulus. But the issue with these things is if you use them enough they hijack the reward centre and cause the brain to release much higher levels of dopamine for them than natural rewards.

    Another thing is addictions are linked with the stress response. Meaning if you get stressed out about something in any way, worried, anxious even depressed this seems to heavily trigger something in the brain making you seriously want your addiction. I remember one time recently I got some worrying news and actually began to shake and felt really horny and began to get this thought in my head to search for porn, this actually lead me to relapsing. When I have been out in social situations before and I felt anxious it made me want alcohol badly and lead me to drinking the alcohol quicker. Also look at people who smoke cigarettes. What do they end up doing when they're really stressed? They chain smoke and smoke really quickly.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2019