Thinking Differently

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by JKnight, Oct 7, 2018.

  1. JKnight

    JKnight Fapstronaut

    Obviously there are many triggers to PMOing. However, even without that, I suffer from lust objectification, which is pretty bad, besides for the fact I have been socialised into thinking it's okay.

    Does anyone have advice for retraining thought patterns away from objectification?
  2. RelentlessPush

    RelentlessPush Fapstronaut

    Well my initial thoughts are that you're probably on the right track- porn can easily lead to lust objectification so it would stand to reason that committing to a porn free life can rewire you. Frankly you'll just have to use every method possible to keep away from porn forever. Cold water technique/exercise/etc and hopefully in the long term your brain will be starved from pleasure and then you will find other things more pleasurable, and then your brain will be less likely to suffer from lust objectification.

    Basically, I think lust objectification is most likely a symptom of porn use, but perhaps others have a different opinion on the matter.
  3. JKnight

    JKnight Fapstronaut

    I agree to an extent. Porn has caused us to distort our normal thinking to be more lust driven, but i think it emphasised exponentially rather than caused it. Thing about all the other sexualising elements in our daily lives from when we were younger:
    1. we compare, as well do women, genital dimensions as a basis for pride
    2. we are exposed to a plethora of sexualising content in advertising, televeision and movies
    3. the sexual revolution has, above all things, made promiscuity and sexual freedom a priority in our lives and a matter to be encouraged and valued as a standard of measure
    4. I'm not saying it's their fault, but women's dress code, (also probably affected by the aforementioned content), also has an impact in over-sexualising us from a younger age
    5. the pressure to be sexually proficient at younger ages
    6. focus on feels good is good, instant pleasure/gratification and impulse driven social mentality.
    Especially as a teenager, there is an social imperative for sexual conduct and expertise. This can't bode well psychologically and for forming healthy perceptions about the opposite sex.

    The modern world over sexualises us, and for some reason, some are more hypersexualised than others that leads to pretty bad addictions with terrifying results.

    Removing porn from our lives will diminish its effect, but I do not think it will rid ourselves of the core issue.
    RelentlessPush likes this.
  4. numbedexistence

    numbedexistence Fapstronaut

    You are touching on a lot of different aspects in todays fast-speed internet driven world.
    For instance, heavy social media use has been linked to depression and personality problems.
    It's not just about sex and porn. It's become so much about instant gratification. Our dumb monkey brains love that stuff.
    We can do our best to avoid but the world is built to give us as much of that as possible.
    It can be tough to get out of it completely.
    Reddit, Facebook, Twttier, Instagram, Snapchat, Tinder and so and so on.
    It's so easy to get sucked into what everyone else is doing. There's just so much noise and so many people online are trying to get your attention.
    This is the framework and infrastructure that has let porn become so wide spread and so accepted.
    It's truly shocking to me how many people online flaunt their darkest desires. Communities are sprung over peoples addiction in order to fuel and have grow to new levels.

    But to your initial post. I have the problem as well. I've had success in the past to catch my thoughts about objectification.
    Whenever I'm in public, I love to check out girls. The best way to combat that is to simply not look.
    It'll be very hard at first, but with time, it gets easier. Eventually, you won't event have to try.
    It is a useful skill to have as we will always live in a world where triggers are everywhere.
    It's not about eliminating triggers, it's about not falling victim to it.
    RelentlessPush likes this.