Tips to stay on the track.

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Dave_29, Feb 4, 2018.

  1. Dave_29

    Dave_29 Fapstronaut

    hello everyone, I Hope you are achieving your goals either now or tomorrow. time doesn't matter. what does matter is that not to give up and keep trying until you reach your goal. before talking about the tips, I just want to say that PMO habit can be replaced by new good habits. therefore it is possible to be free from PMO.
    everyone has his own experience and his own battle in fighting PMO , but the goal is one.lets talk about some useful tips :
    1. pray, pray and pray. every day and every hour pray. why praying? because praying makes you do comfortable thing while being uncomfortable.
    2. train your mind to say no. how?? first start by smaller tasks. for example, try to say no I Will not eat today chocolate. or, no i will not watch TV, OR , no I will not open social media today. and so on ....
    3. train your mind also to be self discipline. how ?? like say today I AM going to finish reading these 5 pages in the book . try to decide to achieve small tasks, so you will build selfconfident with yourself and thats really important. and then you will build self discipline and you can achieve bigger tasks like stop PMO.
    4. know your trigggers. and avoid them as much as possible. how ?? try to write your triggers on a piece of paper. and always be honest to yourself. for example chatting with that person turns you on, then block him.
    5. try to avoid food that increase your libido. or try to eat them in small amounts becuase they are important nutrients. for example I feel sstrong urges after eating tuna. next time I will try not to eat tuna and I will replace it with another nutrient.
    6. avoid greasy food as much as you can. when you eat fastfood, you can't control your urges. so stay healthy. eat healthy food.
    7. exercise, exercise, exercise. exercising put your excessive energy in sports. and sports has several benefits. it trains your brain also to be comfortable while being uncomfortable.
    8. avoid sugary food. why ?? ok. what makes you PMO? is it depression?, feeling sad and moody? ok if depression and swing mood are triggers for PMO, Then eating sugary food makes you feel moody after a while.
    9. stop your sexual thoughts in your mind as much as possible. our brain create thoughts in the mind and then go down to to physical . if you stop it in your mind, you will block its path to the physical body , and hence you will win, you will not strugger with your urges. so try immediately to change your thoughts.
    10. don't ever think about how you will reach your goal after 90 days?! no You have to make it smaller in your mind. that means think to reach your goal day by day and you will reach 1 year.
    11. stay true to yourself and be honest.
    12. always be positive and optimistic.
    13. change your lust feeling with love feeling. it really helps. and here we are talking about brain rewiring. the best way to replace lust feeling is with love. and hug each other as much as you can. to all people who have partners : give hugs. it makes you really feel good.
    bestluck and keep fighting. stay optimistic and don't let anyone or anything change your mind and think that PMO is normal and we can't get out of this habit. NO . WE CAN AND WE WILL.
  2. Thank you brother. The tips you give are great . Good luck to you
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