Understand who you are and you will not suffer.

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Who I want to be, Sep 12, 2018.

  1. Who I want to be

    Who I want to be Fapstronaut

    I'm having moments of clarity and in this moment I stumbled upon this personality test through a friend.

    It's available in many, many languages so don't worry if you don't feel perfectly fluent in English.

    When we suffer without an outside source, like death in the family, it is mostly through self-hatred. But why do we hate? Because we're awful people. Worthless. Ugly. Uninteresting. Unable to achieve greatness of any sorts.

    But are we really? Maybe is it just our clouded mind that hates us because it cannot see who we really are? The clouds reveal only small parts upon which we judge ourselves, but then the clouds clear up and all the judgment loses its ground when the whole picture reveals all the important details.

    This test is by no means a magic pill. It will not heal you, what it does instead is it gives you a clearer picture of who you are. Most people find it "scarily accurate", including myself.
    Take your time, it's only 15 mins, but don't rush it. Think about each answer. Go with your gut but also consult your memory. "How have I acted in the past?"

    Try it, it's worth your time:


    To fill in on the topic, watch >this< after the test to help you understand personalities in general. It's a TED Talk by Dr. Brian Little from Cambridge University. I do recommend to dive into the topic more. Dr. Little is a good person to start listening to.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2018
    Buddhabro likes this.
  2. Who I want to be

    Who I want to be Fapstronaut

    What I must add: this is not the "end all be all" of who you are. It is a general outline that underlines the positive aspects of your personality. This test, as many other online tests, generalizes a lot and sugarcoats a bit.

    I still find it a useful tool, hence the recommendation.
    Peace467 likes this.
  3. I Want To Be Me

    I Want To Be Me Fapstronaut

    I've taken this before, and I also found it interesting. In the past, I've noticed that I'm "different" from many of the people around me, and I don't always have a good understanding of my own emotions. After taking this test, I was categorized as an INTJ.
    You're right, it isn't a magic pill, but it is tremendously helpful. I found groups on social media and articles online that related to that specific type, and I found out that I wasn't a "freak;" there are lots of people out there like me (though I probably wouldn't get along with any of them).
    What was your type, if you don't mind my asking?
    Who I want to be likes this.
  4. Fickie

    Fickie Fapstronaut

    Great post.thanks .This is helpfull...i also just broke up and this hit home- "Mediators often take their idealism too far, setting themselves up for disappointment as, again and again, evil things happen in the world. This is true on a personal level too, as Mediators may not just idealize their partners, but idolize them, forgetting that no one is perfect." this is what just happened to me in this relationship
    Who I want to be likes this.
  5. Who I want to be

    Who I want to be Fapstronaut

    That's exactly my point! We alienate ourselves in our heads when we isolate from other people. I think this test helps you remember that you are human.

    I got ENFP-A

    Damn, I feel for you. Breakups are tough. Don't stay at home too much for the next couple of days. Breakups hit the hardest when we are alone and stationary.
    I Want To Be Me likes this.
  6. Peace467

    Peace467 Fapstronaut

    I have done the test and I am an ISTJ - apparently the most abundent but I have never met anyone else who is the same.

    What i will say is that it really also depends on individual flavours as well - I have found that its helpful to generalise behaviour and who I will get along with easily (ENFP I always struggle with initialy).

    However its a generalization - I have not met many people as thoight led as me and uts more of a good starting point for thinking about yourself.

    I actually find Strength finders better and more useful (just google strengtg finders on phone atm) as it gives your strengths out of like 50 and is helpful more for personal development :).
  7. Who I want to be

    Who I want to be Fapstronaut

    Yes, you are right. This test is not definitive. I share the view of Dr. Brian Little who says we're only half baked, not a direct quote, regarding our personality and there are a lot of traits that we can adopt based on lifestyle and situation.
    Peace467 likes this.
  8. MonarchOfTheGlen

    MonarchOfTheGlen Fapstronaut

    I took this test a few years ago and I got the *exact* same results today as back then (ISTP-A).

    Actually I find the "weaknesses" part (the negatives if you will) a bit more accurate in my case. But overall I think it's pretty dead-on.
  9. Who I want to be

    Who I want to be Fapstronaut

    Yes, it definitely hits home in certain regards. It's a good summary but we have to remember it attempts to divide almost 8 billion people into 16 categories. While it is not entirely wrong, it is also not carved in stone.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. geoff-89

    geoff-89 Fapstronaut

    Hi, it can be very useful to use the MBTI to know yourself. For my part i'm INFJ
  11. There's another, easier test which is as accurate as this one. You just enter your birthday and that's it!
  12. Who I want to be

    Who I want to be Fapstronaut

    I would argue it's not as inaccurate as you're saying, but I'm not trying to sell you anything :D