Warped Libido while influenced by other substances.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by 30_Something_Explorer, Dec 7, 2020.

  1. 30_Something_Explorer

    30_Something_Explorer Fapstronaut

    Anyone find alcohol, drugs or other medications/substances increase the likelihood of relapse? I know when I'm hungover I get a very strange kind of libido that's very charged up and exaggerated. Like I don't just want to bust, but I want to see some dirty shit and since being hungover I'm spending most of the day not doing much it's just too easy to pick up the phone, flip through all the crap and go. I can always do it multiple times when I'm in a physical state like that too. I almost kinda get a second hangover the day after that too because I'm so drained.

    I was also on an anti-depressant years ago which I can't remember the name of and my god it made me horny like you wouldn't believe. Cocaine has a similar effect although I don't take it anymore and I'm working on my alcohol. Side Note: Alcohol is a gateway to anything/everything - don't do it! It's rubbish and not worth it.

    Anyone else had these kinds of experiences?
  2. TJTJ

    TJTJ Fapstronaut

    I've had similar experiences with alcohol. I think some of the reasons are:
    - Weakness is weakness. Alcohol weakens your body, mind, and will
    - Sometimes using alcohol I will say things or do things which cause me anxiety in retrospect, a trigger
    - If I have gone into the depths of "binge" drinking, I'm already in a place where I've abandoned self-control and temperance

    I've also experienced something similar when I'm sick with a cold; I think this is just general weakness too, and like you said, when normal healthy habits are out of reach, temptations can rise.

    On the other hand, using psychedelic drugs has perhaps increased my resolve to quit porn and masturbation (though not immediately, and I'm not 100% sure of this). Not easy to explain succinctly, but they put me in a "child-like" state where I could appreciate the beauty and joy in simple things, and see animalistic addiction for what it is.

    All drugs change the mind -- increasing in moderation and temperance can only do us good.
  3. mikuliks

    mikuliks Fapstronaut

    Addiction's grip got me so tight that the only reason I lasted more than a week is because I kept myself busy.
    For me, even free time can cause a relapse, so I guess alcohol and drugs are a no-brainer.
  4. The Pennsylvanian

    The Pennsylvanian Fapstronaut

    Only personal experience with any of this is that alcohol makes me sleepy and relaxed and makes me less horny, and want sex less. Caffeine puts me on edge and then I usually want sex soon. So alcohol has a positive effect on my with my recovery. I avoid caffeine if possible.
  5. 30_Something_Explorer

    30_Something_Explorer Fapstronaut

    Interesting. I ruined most of my streaks because of being hungover. I'll do well for a few days upto perhaps 2 weeks, then I'll go out, get wasted, lay in bed for a few extra hours the next day and just jerk off. It's really sad when I think about it. This year has been so up and down. Two extremes of doing very well with myself, but then having equal periods of time when I'm in deep depression and not doing well at all. I feel like 2020 has been the dress rehearsal for 2021 as I'm in the right gear and frame of mind to make shit happen this year. Hopefully if covid restrictions diminish I can reintroduce myself safely into the social scene without needed to poison myself with booze, cigs, drugs and porn etc. It's gotta happen sooner or later.