What is the thing that relaxes you the most...

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by CodeTalker, Jan 13, 2020.

  1. Jeff 09

    Jeff 09 Fapstronaut

    Going on a nice long run.
  2. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    I honest don't know.
  3. Sitting on my back porch drinking hot tea and taking in the sights and sounds. I absolutely can’t wait for spring. Winter blues are hitting me hard this year
  4. Purity Power

    Purity Power Fapstronaut

    Love with my dream wife
  5. drac16

    drac16 Fapstronaut

    Meditating while burning incense in the background.
    Optimum Fortitude likes this.
  6. Supination

    Supination Fapstronaut

    Walking outside in a rainy day while drinking green tea and sniffing the smell of winter ..
  7. crossflix

    crossflix New Fapstronaut

    Reading holy books and watching faith based religious movies relaxes me most.
    Cathcart22 likes this.
  8. clownworld

    clownworld Fapstronaut

    For me it's rain, thunderstorm, sea storm, nightwalks, my cat, tea.
  9. Poseidongodofthesea

    Poseidongodofthesea Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Meditating in my car by the sea side with the windows open .
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. Plenty of things

    But weed or a strong whiskey is a great way to relax, I enjoy working out and sitting in the steam room or sauna, but if you really want strong relaxation weed is good, because it's a very potent anti inflammatory. Weed gym sauna fuck
  11. I have Insomnia
  12. Fallacious D

    Fallacious D Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Being alone, probably. Solitude really makes me feel at peace.
  13. Cathcart22

    Cathcart22 Fapstronaut

    Usually reading calms me down, or a nice cigar by a campfire does the trick for the times I'm especially worked up!
  14. Wilde°

    Wilde° Fapstronaut

    Exercising/reading a book/walking the dog and more..
    Knighthawk and Cathcart22 like this.
  15. Shooting guns up in the mountains.
  16. two-face

    two-face Fapstronaut

    Sauna is a big one for me - I've been really hurting since all the saunas closed when the world ended. Other is definitely exercise in nature. Loving the river swimming now that it's summer.
    Cathcart22 likes this.
  17. alxwarrior18

    alxwarrior18 Fapstronaut

    I live with a lot of people, and very often at night I have to deal with some of them talking loud in the kitchen when I am trying to get some sleep. I have debated buying ear muffs, but I asked myself why do I have to go to the trouble for buying something just because someone else doesn't consider other people. Am I being petty, or should I just use ear muffs as the last resort.
  18. mouton1998

    mouton1998 Fapstronaut

    Listening to a hairdryer... sounds weird but i found it extremely relaxing!