Post published by APC1995

please guide me friends......I have successfully completed my 2 months of Nofap, but 61st day was not that much good. I didn't thought about sex even single time, I slept in noon for short nap after returning to college. During nap I went to washroom for toilet and came back for sleeping again but when I slept, I saw dream in which a female robot firing bullet came and I got dreamy about fucking her.....suddenly I ejaculated. After waking up my head was about to burst(headache). Now what should I do? Is everything got reset?
Ran-man more_vert
I am with you mate. I am only on a few days in but already feeling the gratitude already. With you man !!!!
Baldur more_vert
Wet dreaming is okay in my opinion. Just keep on going!
xavi111 more_vert
I would also count that as okay.. I don't think resetting because of that is a good idea