100 Days of not using porn, What Next?

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Deleted Account, Apr 13, 2018.

  1. Hi everyone,

    I just passed by 100 days without porn of any kind this past week. This is huge for me, and some of my friends, including my best friend from high school is starting not using porn after observing my progress. Through these past 100 days I feel more outgoing, more excited about life, and, importantly for me, a better relationship with my God.

    Now, I simply need to begin to grasp hold of my problems of masturbation. (Hah, get it?) Although personally, I am mainly against porn, I still dislike the act, and find it senseless for the most part. Wish me luck embarking on my continued journey as I reset my counter and go from P to PM.
  2. BMW-6er

    BMW-6er Fapstronaut

    Congratulation. 100 days streak is better then birthday. You can be proud of your effort. what helped you most when urges cames ?
  3. For me, it was a video that kicked off my desire to get away from porn. I'll link it below, but what I really took away from it is that these people that participate in porn are people, not just an assortment of images. These people will always be known as 'that ___ who did a porno, posed nude, etc.' and it left me feeling poorly about myself and how I felt like I was using them for some temporary release. I want to find a long term loving relationship, rather than simply resort to images on a screen.

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