22y/o male new here

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Renegade3232, Jan 3, 2020.

  1. Renegade3232

    Renegade3232 New Fapstronaut

    I just realised I've been addicted to porn and masturbation for a whole decade. I believe it has completely rewired my brain and it's hard to imagine I have gone my entire puberty with this addiction. I purposely avoid relationships I guess due to guilt and my longest relationship went on for a month. I am also detached spiritually and it would be great if I could fix that. It kills me to think what my life would have been without this addiction and wonder if I can ever be normal again. I have decided to take the first step again, despite many relapses before, and I hope NoFap will be the answer.
    Enly1 likes this.
  2. Welcome! You have become aware of your addiction. You are on the right path! Well done.

    I encourage you to get your spiritual mojo back. Find ways to restore spirituality back into your daily life. Even just going outside for a walk and being in a garden, by a river/ocean, among nature can help some people.

    And friend, yes you can be normal again. It will take effort and getting up when you fall but rest assured, you are not your addiction. Your higher power will always help you. All the best in your journey.
  3. keepitinmybriefs

    keepitinmybriefs Fapstronaut

    Welcome, and good luck on your nofap journey! I recommend wearing briefs instead of boxers, as briefs will contain your stuff better and reduce urges. I also recommend keeping your schedule full and busy, and avoid stretches of downtime where you can get bored and tempted.
  4. Welcome to the site, and good luck with your journey!