90 days and then I transition.

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Syuas, Sep 10, 2019.

  1. Syuas

    Syuas Fapstronaut

    Title says it all, I have given the universe my all, I've worked out, changed my views in life, made money, done school. Nothing works. So this is my last straw, my last thing that I could possibly assume turns women off from me. If this doesn't work I'm starting hrt in December about 90 days from now and living life as a trans woman in my years to come. This might be random but I thought this was a decent post to place it. I'm doing hard NoFap for 90 days if that wasn't obvious.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. Enwar

    Enwar Fapstronaut

    What about your personality? Women care more about that than anything else.

    But perhaps you care too much about women and their attention; you should simply stay stay celibate if you simply cannot seem to attract them. Do not mutilate your body, mate! You're going to seriously regret it!