A Mexican Vegan

A sharing space of a Plant-based lifestyle

  1. Jerry4NF

    Jerry4NF Fapstronaut

    So, I´m a 24 y/o guy, I have been vegetarian almost 4 years and right now I´m on the transition from vegetarian to vegan. I cook a lot at home, and I´m using my PMO goals to try use my time to cook more, experiment more in the kitchen and expand my go-to daily meals list. I hope this group serves for that purpose, and that we can share our doubts and points of view.

    Here is a traditional mexican recipe veganized, it is one of my favorites! I hope you like it.


    -2 cups of texturized soy (if you can find meat flavor it´ll be even better)
    - Soy sauce (to taste)
    - 1/2 a lemon (optional)
    - 1 or 2 potatoes
    - 2 or 3 carrots
    - 1/2 a cup of Tomato puree (optional)
    - Vegetable broth (enough to cover the soy and veggies, I prefer that one made from scratch with peeilengs of various veggies I´ve used: potatoes, carrots, zucchinis, etc.)
    - Vegetable oil of your preference.
    - Cilantro
    - Salt
    - Pepper


    1. Soak your texturized soy with hot water for about 20 minutes.
    2. While you let the soy hydrate chop all your veggies.
    3. Once the texturized soy is ready, strain the water and put it in a bowl.
    4. Add some soy and the lemon.
    5. Put the oil on a hot pan and fry your soy once it has soaked up the flavors. If you want you can add some salt, pepper, paprika (or any other spice that goes well with a "meaty" flavor, like cumin)
    6. After that add the carrots and potatoes, fry them for about 3 minutes.
    Note: Here is where you can add some tomato puree if you like it.
    7. Cover them with vegetable broth, add a little cilantro, and let it reduce until your potatoes and carrots are well cooked.
    8. Discard the cilantro.

    You can serve this with rice (I prefer mexican red rice, but white also works great), beans and salsa.
  2. Kizd4AFool

    Kizd4AFool Fapstronaut

    Thank you! Looks amazing!
    GodsDaughter likes this.
  3. Bit late seeing this but:

    "8. Discard the cilantro."

    Hahaha! That alone wants me to try this recipe.