Can Anyone Quit Without God?

For Fapstronauts of the Protestant Christian faith.

  1. 2ctruth

    2ctruth Fapstronaut

    Quitting addiction without God is impossible. We either quit addiction and do what God wants or we change addictions. Some quit by a complete dedication to sports or hobbies. But in these cases, they simply have a new addiction, one that is way better, and less destructive. However, finding their full God-given purpose will remain elusive.

    To quit with God, simply read the many articles on this site about the Bible. Then immerse yourself in the Bible by doing as many things regarding the Bible as possible. Jesus is the Word (The Bible). Once you fully get Him inside you, negative addictions will die out.

    Find 7 ways to use the Bible to quit. It is the best way to quit.
  2. 2ctruth

    2ctruth Fapstronaut

    Often we pay close attention to everything except God.

    Isaiah 57: God is high and lifted up.

    David was the Bible's greatest worshipper. He praised God constantly, wrote some of the Psalms as specific praises to God, and he also praised God 7 times per day for his righteous laws.

    David had a dramatic recovery from his sexual sin. He reversed his disastrous, lawbreaking ways by praising God 7 times per day for his righteous laws.

    Most of us think David screwed up even worse than me, he lusted, committed adultery and he killed an innocent man. He did, but he had a powerful reversal.

    Have a powerful reversal step one: Praise God constantly. Step two: praise God 7 times per day for his righteous laws.

    Today I think, I don't know how to act around the great God of the universe. But today I am going to try to form a routine where I make God high and lifted up. Once again, I don't know how to do that, so I will just pause several times each day and say: “My God is high and lifted up.” Then I will praise God for His laws and give praise to Him as often as I think about it. Let's see what happens.
    ThePerspicacious likes this.
  3. HenryforwardV2

    HenryforwardV2 Fapstronaut

    You sound like a pharisee. Proud. Humble yourself a little.