I had relapsed again, I can't do it this!!

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by David0895, Apr 27, 2017.

  1. David0895

    David0895 Fapstronaut

    Today for me was a stressful day, I came back for 4 occasion or no longer how many are going, I am very disappointed with myself, with my actions, I do not feel anything strong, lately my family environment has not favored me so much because I have had a lot Stress and I have felt alone with both my girlfriend and my family, pure criticism and maybe that's why I've always been locked up like this for years. I feel very unmotivated, I can't do it this....
  2. chris_od

    chris_od Fapstronaut

    Never say never. You can do it. It is hard but you can.
    David0895 likes this.
  3. With that way of thinking, of course you won't be able to. Not long ago my best friend died, by suicide. I was fired from my job in secret (they said they'd call me but never did) despite me giving it 110% and treated them all with respect, but they always treated me badly and the reason I got fired was because two coworkers hated me for no reason. My car suddenly started giving me trouble lately and I had to use money I saved up to get an important licence that costs 100 dollars.

    Despite all of this I started nofap and I have not relapsed even with all my stress, sadness, anxiety, I have found ways to calm my heart and my mind through meditation.

    Ironically things started to get better, because I got up and started doing something about it, and I got another job, I got my car fixed and finally I have the money for the licence.

    There's no excuse about not being able to do this, the only one standing in the way of it is you, no one else. If you say "I can do this" then you'll be able to do anything. If you decide to start again, don't just casually say so, make a decision now, a lifechanging decision, don't make half a choice, don't take half measures, say YES I CAN, and change your life. I believe anyone can, and I believe you too.
    chris_od and David0895 like this.
  4. David0895

    David0895 Fapstronaut

    Thank you very much, I have put for what you mention and it is true, is to make things happen for good and get it, today at dawn when I restart my accountant I was looking for something interesting and my attention was very interesting ... curiously it is also the Meditation and the method of win hof, a challenge that I'm starting from today to meditate and now, if after so many relapses get it, but this time with everything I've read today I feel better .... I'll put it into practice.
    chris_od likes this.