IR Porn, (Interracial porn)

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Apr 16, 2019.

  1. I have been watching porn since I was 13 and as time has gone by I have moved from vanilla stuff to different types or particular flavours of porn over the years as we all have done. About 2 or 3 years I began watching IR porn before then this was not something I had any interaction with or "interest" in but since then it is the one type which I keep falling back into again and again. So I was wondering if there where any others out there who are in a similar situation to me with this. It sees this is not talked about at all very much and with the push by the porn industry over the last few years, IR porn has grown more mainstream. So logic would state that their is many people out their struggling with this like I am. Please feel free to either reply to the thread or to me privately if you would like to discuss this issue further.

    ***I should highlight that I am specifically talking about just IR porn I am not talking about IR cuckold porn which is its own beast and a subset of IR porn in my opinion.
  2. TheHealer

    TheHealer Fapstronaut

    IR porn is often pushing the agenda that the color of your skin makes you special in different sexual ways.

    Don't worry. It's not true.

    The marketing is that a certain color or etnicity gives you certain abilities or enhancments. A superpower of sorts. Like the stereotype that black guys have larger penises than white guys- and as a male you want the biggest penis to please your woman the ultimate way.

    So when we are watching porn we want to watch the ultimate sex, and when porn tells us that IR pron is that ultimate fantasy with the most pleasure: that attracts us even more.

    But that is just lies, and IR porn seems so powerful beacaue thats the marketing for it. The truth is however that not all black guys have large penises. Some have small ones, and some white guys have big ones. But white on white seems so regular, and porn thrives on fantasies, so they market that IR porn is something special and better than the regular stuff.

    However that is not the reality.

    IR sex is just more unusual, and so they tell you that it is better to peak your interest. Well guess what, it's still just human beings and the color of your skin doesn't change anything. It's just what they tell you.

    Sex is still sex no matter what you look like.
    nsb2019, Christi and (deleted member) like this.
  3. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    1. ALL porn is cuckold porn. Literally. You have 100% the perspective a cuck does and you do exactly what a cuck does (masturbate). Its completely abnormal to watch another man have sex with the woman you want AND masturbate to it.

    2. IR porn is worse than non-ir porn. I made a thread about it and people started calling me racist, but they just don't get the point. When you watch porn where the male actor is of a different and VISIBLE different race than you are (white-black, black-white, asian-black ETC), you can't possibly identify with the man cause it's obvious you're not him, therefore having the confirmation you are the watcher/cuckold
  4. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    At least it is an area of racial difference where the black man is regarded as superior to the white man! Makes a change.

    Do you think there will be a "White penises matter" movement? :rolleyes:
  5. TheHealer

    TheHealer Fapstronaut

    At the very least we should stand againts and never accept being cucked.
  6. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Yeah, well I don't agree with the argument about that from the ultrafapper.
  7. I noticed when strong cravings kick in, i also struggle with interracial porn, but in my case its sort of different ... I would "prefer" seeing white dude with a black or a mixed girl or latina. Basically, when i see that ...i feel the rush and it gets me every time.

    Perhaps worth mentioning, i am a white dude.
  8. Is this something you have had with you before porn?
  9. Nah, something i've had since i was elementary school ...
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2019
  10. Understood, I was just curious if for you it wasn't a fetish but just your preference.