Is there, any possibility to stop being sexually aroused?

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Bartoszekm, Jan 1, 2018.

  1. Bartoszekm

    Bartoszekm New Fapstronaut

    Hey, my name is Bartek, I'm Polish, grow up and live in Poland. I'm religious and as a religious person, I want to have a good relationship with my God and my family. Because of masturbation, I have humiliated myself. In result, I've been more nervous, sad and had a hard time to concentrate on my goals.
    Also. I have a girlfriend so I don't want to sexually satisfy myself with pictures of other women. We don't want to have sex until marriage, my constant drive for sex is not helping to achieve this goal.
    I'm aware of how cliche I sound but still, I need help. Perhaps this will help me.
    Is there, any possibility to stop being sexually aroused?
    Sorry for my grammar, English is not my native language.
    Former_CD and Deleted Account like this.
  2. Hey @Bartoszekm ,

    Your English is very good.

    Very glad you are here.

    When I arrived here, I was very confused by the program. So many terms, ideas, different opinions. I was in some ways as overwhelmed with NoFap as I was with pmo.

    I found two things that helped me.

    First, was reading up on the program and figuring out where to start and how to work my program. The best page is the one with the list of all the resources available.

    That page explained the program. I read every article and watched all the videos on that page.

    Next, was the community. By getting involved, reading people's posts, remembering to "like" the posts, reading the post not only in the forum, but on people's profiles, I found a great group of people.

    This is a diverse community. We have religious people and secular ones. There are men and women. People with months of no pmo and those just starting out. As well, there are many different approaches to remove porn from our lives forever.

    Keep reading posts and profiles. You will find someone who is telling your own story. Keep posting your own story, someone needs to read it.

    Looking forward to reading many more posts from you,

  3. Septimus

    Septimus Fapstronaut

    Welcome @Bartoszekm, I'm glad you are here. You are not alone!

    Many others here share your faith and your aspirations. Don't worry about your English, you're doing fine.

    Keep coming back!
  4. Exponential Power

    Exponential Power Fapstronaut

    You can learn to control arousal. When you have sexual thoughts find something else to think about. This will be easier if you have a hobby.
  5. The Wrestler

    The Wrestler Fapstronaut

    Hi Bartek! Glad you are here!

    You have great goals! Having a good relationship with God, your family, your girlfriend, wanting to direct your sexual energy in positive and constructive ways - these are truly noble goals!

    Because English is not your first language I want you to know this next part is both true and a joke:
    There is a way to completely stop being aroused - it is called castration. The testicles are severed, either chemically or physically. Not having the body parts to reproduce means your body will stop craving sex entirely, and you can focus on whatever you would like instead.

    Now, seriously, I am not advising this. I want you to know that being aroused is part of life. There is no avoiding it, only learning how to manage it better. And there are many ways to learn how to manage and redirect your arousal. These are a few questions which will help you get started:
    If you use pornography, how do you feel about yourself right before you use it?
    How happy are you about yourself?
    Why do you use porn or masturbate? What need does it fill?
    What kind of person do you want to be?

    I also wanted to comment on this:
    Here is the strangest thing I have learned about porn and masturbation - when you feel humiliated or bad about masturbating or using porn, it is more likely you will use porn or masturbate again. This is not to say feel good about it either, only, when you start to accept mistakes as neutral things that happen, then you will be better able to change them.
  6. Former_CD

    Former_CD Fapstronaut

    Welcome, stopping PMO will be the best decision you can ever make. I promise it will make your life better. Here is a link to my journal with the plan I used to overcome porn and other addictions. I believe that it is a good starting point and my plan will help you to develope your own plan.
    We are all in this together. I am too the point where I don't get aroused unless I choose too. Everyone is different though and with different outcomes. Good Luck!