Just another guy who can't take it anymore

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Bobberz, Nov 17, 2016.

  1. Bobberz

    Bobberz Fapstronaut

    Depressed... Alone... Unloved... are just few of the words that describe me right now. I feel like I'm lazy and stupid and can't do a single thing right. I'm in 11th grade, and my exams are coming up, but I feel like I didn't even give in 1% of my energy to preparing. I used to use porn and masturbation to escape the reality, to escape the dark cruel world that doesn't wish to recognise that I am also another human being. That I am also one of you. But I've since grown, and decided to man up and resist it hoping for some gain in the long run. It's been 4 days and the urge to masturbate increments as time passes. My emotions fluctuate, from sudden briskness to periods of depression. I don't know if this is worth it. I don't know if I will become a better person by forcing myself to abstain from the one source of pleasure I get in life.

    Is it too much to ask for people to like you, at least, not hate you? Is it too much to ask that everyday you go to school, you not seeming like an immature kid to others? I feel like I have no place in this world.

    All I want is to be part of the happy side of this world. I want to feel free, and be able to do things without my laziness holding back against me. I want to not overthink every singe situation, and mess it up. I thought my masturbation was the reason for this, but so far, it seems worse without it.

    If anyone has any advice or motivational words or any suggestions, please help me. Anything and everything would be appreciated. Thank you for reading.
  2. Saskia

    Saskia Guest

    I'm sorry you feel so badly right now. 11th grade is hard work, and exams are stressful. But this time will pass, and then you will face the next chapter of your life. Why do you feel unloved? You're of an age, now, where you can begin to shape your relationships with your own actions and responses.

    All I want to say is don't despair. Visit the 40+ section and see how life changes for a man. What you struggle with now is temporary. Use your struggles as an opportunity for growth. Look around you at people you admire and imitate the things they do. Get outside of your own head. You want love? Put some out there into the universe! This doesn't mean romance/sex - just a real effort to engage with good will. Smile at a stranger. If your grandparents are living, visit them and listen to their stories. Honor them with your time. Do a random act of kindness. So many ways you can bless others, and that will change your life. Take ownership and be the change you want.

    Sincerely, an older woman still learning to do life:)
  3. Bobberz

    Bobberz Fapstronaut

    The reason I feel unloved is because I'm autistic and socially awkward. No one ever appreciates me for who I truly am. But I get what you're saying, that it doesn't only mean romance/sex. There are other ways too.
    Thank you so much. That helped me a lot. I hope that this is a temporary situation and in time I'll get a fresh start. :)
  4. Saskia

    Saskia Guest

    I have an autistic son - he's 11. Although I see his struggles to relate to others and be appreciated, he is very loved. As you are, I'm sure. I am hopeful for you - you are intelligent, articulate, and have made a decision to change your life. Good times are ahead, I think x
  5. SuperLulox

    SuperLulox Fapstronaut

    Hey there!
    I know you are in a shitty place right now, i've been there myself, and even now (couse of some stuff that recently happened to me) im not feeling awesome either. But after reaching 14 days last time without pmo, i can tell you that it does get better. You've reached 4 days, and thats awesome, but be patient and understand that in just 4 days you are not gonna feel too much of a difference. I know that its harder to go through tough times without pmo, since it takes you away from your problems. But if you keep doing that, nothing is ever going to change, you gotta take action. I like to think of my problems like they were holes in the ground i accidently fell into. Once you are down there you got 2 options, you either digg further down feeling sorry for your self, or you take action and start building a ladder to get out. Not much of a choice if you look at it that way uh? What im trying to say is that no matter how shit it may be now, if you hold on and endure the pain, and keep growing even tho you dont feel that great now, its going to change, i promise.

    Best of luck
  6. anthrope

    anthrope Fapstronaut

    My friend, you'll find a way through this. In the meanwhile, remember a practical tool. Thoughts attract like thoughts. When you're caught up thinking about loneliness and feel isolated, you find it easier to think thoughts of loneliness, depression, alienation, and so on. These thoughts calibrate at the same emotional level more or less.

    On the other hand thoughts of feeling included, feeling compassionate, feeling secure - they go together as well. Not only that, they attract more thoughts like them, and experiences like them.

    In my experience, having been in a deep, dark place just like you, it takes at least several minutes of simply listening to inspirational material online before I can change my internal atmosphere. Here's some good places to start:

    So, if you want immediate relief right now, just spend some time on yourself. Love yourself from the inside. Know that all will be well. You're many times stronger than you think right now, and you will know your strength as you learn to accept yourself and love yourself on the inside.
