Longest streak yet, PIED worse

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by Dragydof, Mar 16, 2019.

  1. Dragydof

    Dragydof Fapstronaut


    Currently i'm on my longest streak yet, 5 months. The motivation and such is nice but my problem is I still have PIED. Till a couple of months ago I would have a hard flaccid when having sex, but now nothing happens. I'm feel like I'm lost. I have been weak kegels for the past 2 weeks. At first it looked like it would help. Having more random weak erections or more morningwood. But now it doesn't seem that way

    Today I checked if I even could get somewhat hard by just stimulating(without fantasising or porn) and nothing happend. Did I rewire the wrong way or are there some muscles to be trained?

    Please help
    EternalDreams likes this.
  2. Fallensoldier1

    Fallensoldier1 Fapstronaut

    Well, I’m with you here bud. A couple moths ago I thought I was getting healed. Went 101 days hard mode. In this time I was hard, a lot. Very horny, not getting off would sometimes cause soreness in my lower abdomen from periods of being hard so much so often. I would get hard just being around my wife, or texting her and saying sweet things.

    Then at 101 days Me and the wife started being sexual again, and a few weeks later I started going back into flatline. Now I haven’t had a real good hard erection in weeks, lots of fatigue and loss of motivation. Very minimal morning wood, and if it was there it wasn’t 100%.

    I haven’t tried testing myself. I sometimes am tempted to look up P but not for reasons of being horny. Mainly to help with the depression I have been suffering due to cutting out P. I literally feel like crap and depressed and I know if I looked and got that rush of dopamine it would help me, temporarily, then I know it would get worse and I would have to start all over.

    I’m sorry your going through this. It sucks! Especially if your married or in a relationship. If I wasn’t I wouldn’t be too upset. But when your spouse is wanting sex, and I don’t even feel like I can do it, or want to, it sucks. That used to never be me. My wife would say she used to have to beat me off of her with a stick. I haven’t asked for sex once in the last month or so.

    I guess we just have to keep going. Hopefully for us it will get better. Our progress is like a rollercoaster. Ups and downs and back and Forths. Hang on.

    I just want my libido back, and focus that on my wife. My wiener feels dead and lifeless.
  3. Dragydof

    Dragydof Fapstronaut

    I feel you. I've been trying to be more social with women. It suck that when put in the effort to get into bed with a woman I can't get it up.

    I guess it must be way harder if you're in a relationship. Not wanting to disappoint someone you love. One thing to remember about a flatline is: it's just a flatline, it wil fade. Your libido wil return!

    How did your libido fade, did it go away gradually?
  4. Fallensoldier1

    Fallensoldier1 Fapstronaut

    You know to be honest I kinda forgot. At 101 days we did something three times in one day, and then were doing it a few times a week. Maybe that was too much too fast for me now after abstaining so long? I think it more or less starting fading gradually.

    We have also been packing and moving to a new house so there has been lots of stresses, and I normally would have escaped with PMO. We are moved now and have lots of unpacking to do so hopefully things will calm down and get less stressful and back to normal...?

    I know it’s loss of libido in general and not just from my wife. I don’t want to anyways, but when I see good looking women in public I don’t feel anything down there. I don’t fantasize about them, I may realize their very pretty but that’s it. I don’t have a desire to look at P either. Just no libido, no drive for anything really. It sucks. Unfortunately seeing my wife half naked or naked I don’t feel anything either. I used to always get aroused watching her come out of the shower and get dressed and that’s when usually I would try to initiate something.

    I hope it will pass, and soon, because yes it’s so very hard trying to live two life’s. Trying to hide all my withdrawal symptoms and force myself out of bed and to do things and show my wife affection, play with my kids and go to work.
  5. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    Why do you have to check if you have erections? I used to do that too but it's like we don't have confidence in our own penises.

    You shouldn't get hard by yourself in the first place so i don't see something too abnormal in what you're describing. Do you have a partner? Why don't you just ask her to stimulate you? Why do it yourself?
  6. Fallensoldier1

    Fallensoldier1 Fapstronaut

    I would say morning and some spontaneous erections when thinking of your spouse or girlfriend should be considered as pretty normal. I can see why some people freak out and worry they can’t get a erection and test themselves.
  7. SolaireofAstora

    SolaireofAstora Fapstronaut

    Please, dont say that!
    My main motivation to stop PM is to cure my PE and ED.
    im only on my 57º day and you guys still have issues having abstained for more than 100 days.....
    Will i ever cure it? those kegel stuff is too complicated for me to read it in english.
  8. toomanymany

    toomanymany Fapstronaut

    I have PIED and DE and I'm trying to be cured just staying away from PMO, it's my 34th day. This post has confused me, LOL. Is there a cure for this disorder? Will we ever be cured?
    MadJackMcMad and drkarim like this.
  9. Fallensoldier1

    Fallensoldier1 Fapstronaut

    Everyone is different. I would say I’m a pretty severe case. Been doing it since I was 10 probably and I’m 30. I got into some deep dark stuff and was there for awhile.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. 17 months and still no libido and weak erections. Have had a few hard rockers in the journey but mostly weak semis. This shit destroys your brain.
  11. MrLoner

    MrLoner Fapstronaut

    I think severe cases only make progress on hard mode. This has been my experience. I heard some other people say they had similar experience
  12. j_a_123

    j_a_123 Fapstronaut

    Im similar been a long time for me. Slide back into flatlines after 100+ days. Im dealing with pelvic floor issues as well
    Ju@n likes this.
  13. Fallensoldier1

    Fallensoldier1 Fapstronaut

    What kind of pelvic floor issues if you don’t mind me asking? I’ve had some days where I was sore in my lower abdomen, private areas, and pelvic floor like between my balls and my anus
  14. I do not have any tips for you guys, but I am a high schooler trying to quit pmo, and I’d just like to let you guys know that this thread is very motivating for me.
  15. pfb2019

    pfb2019 Fapstronaut

    When I was in my early 20s, I was admitted to a psych ward. At that time I was heavily sedated and put on like 7 or 8 pills. I actually thought I ran out of semen and that my sex life was over. But a lot of meds decrease libido, and since then I'm now only on a few of them, and my drive returned. I've been able to get hard rather easily until the last couplle years. Maybe because I'm nearly 50; but I was able to ejaculate. I was so addicted to P and I knew it had to be turned off or eliminated. It's been very dificult getting away and now I'm back on first day.

    For those of you having issues with getting hard, well, I can't help you there. Maybe I was one of the lucky ones and did not have those issues until recently. I recently let a woman give me oral. But I couldn't maintain an erection and that really depressed me. To experience oral for the first time and to not stay hard and feel orgasm was a major downer. I haven't had sex with female since 1998 so it's been a rough road. Now I don't find myself getting hard a lot lately. Less and less interest in sex has made it easier to start a streak. Only I relapsed on Sunday and now I have to start over. While my libido increased, getting hard has been a problem. Not in a relationship right now, but if I was I would be even more frustrated if I couldn't get it up. I keep telling myself I can strive for 5 days then 10, and maybe 15, but my best streak I only managed to get no further than 4 days. It turns out that it wasn't easier, even being away from PMO. To experience pleasure I've had to go back to porn site. Now I am able to increase my goal of getting to 10 days, but it's been uphill climb. Now I'm only on like 3 different psych meds and find it easier to get to O. Best of luck to all of you having to go through your difficulties.
  16. skull67

    skull67 Fapstronaut

    what the f man, if this shit can effect you so badly that you have been into porn since so long and havent actually had sex from 1998, i will probably have nightmares around this aspoect if i dont solve it now. i am xactly into your position, most of my streaks last 4-5 days,and the maximu streaks have been 13 days and that too only for 4 times in last three years, i am scared because i am already 27....i need to get my shit together
  17. skull67

    skull67 Fapstronaut


    hey man, are you indian, if yu are,then we need to talk