Made it to 30 Days PMO-FREE! So happy!

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Hobbsy21, Feb 6, 2018.

  1. Hobbsy21

    Hobbsy21 Fapstronaut

    Hi guys!

    Just a quick post to let you all know that today marks 30 days since I last PMO! I can’t believe I have made it this far. I am on my first attempt and I’m so proud and happy I’ve done this.

    I know I have a long way to go to that magical 90 days and beyond but this is a huge achievement for me from someone who used to PMO twice a day for the last 16 years.

    I am 100% flatlining at the moment and have zero urges so I know the tough times are yet to come but I WILL do this! Morning woods are hit and miss at the moment but that’s fine, it will come back for sure!

    My penis has never looked so healthy and it’s so soft to the touch. It looks like when I was a teenager before I ever masturbated lol.

    Positive effects I’ve had in these 30 days:

    1. Increased energy with all aspects of life. I gym 3 times a week and I feel stronger than ever!
    2. Brain fog incredibly rescued - still some remaining but my focus and concentration are so much better.
    3. Appreciate women more. I have noticed I appreciate women as individuals and not just a “piece of meat I want to have sex with”. This has helped me a lot in talking to women!
    4. I wake up feeling refreshed. Before me taking NoFap on I was always waking up so tired all the time. I used to always PMO before I slept so by not doing this has helped so much.

    Anyways guys, just wanted to share my story! I hope this helps someone to not give up and keep going, you can do this!

    If anyone has any questions about anything please leave a comment or drop me a message. You are not alone in this!

    Have a great PMO-free day guys!
  2. Hey good job man and keep it up! See you at 60 :)
    Safarkiller and kingpietro like this.
  3. Igaleksus

    Igaleksus Fapstronaut

    Safarkiller likes this.
  4. Congrats! You're the man, man.
    Safarkiller likes this.
  5. Good work on getting this far and I wish it lasts you even longer!
    Safarkiller likes this.
  6. Destroyporn

    Destroyporn Fapstronaut


    Great post man!
    Safarkiller and Hobbsy21 like this.
  7. Destroyporn

    Destroyporn Fapstronaut

    Really great post and motivating. How are you going and what other benefits have you reached?
    Safarkiller likes this.
  8. Badme

    Badme Fapstronaut

    Keep on going my brother..... never run back
    Safarkiller likes this.
  9. Randox

    Randox Fapstronaut

    Awesome! Keep up the good job
    Safarkiller likes this.
  10. Safarkiller

    Safarkiller Fapstronaut

    Nice dude. To do it right. Me 30++day too btw.... Let do this till 90 for more power. I question how does you Alert tht flatline, bcoz i do feel it now, even i hit 30+days
  11. Amazing! Keep up the good work :D!
    Safarkiller likes this.