Philosopher New to Nofap

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Aristotle1981, Aug 19, 2013.

  1. Aristotle1981

    Aristotle1981 New Fapstronaut


    I'm in my thirties now, and I have been masturbating fairly regularly since I was about thirteen years old. Additionally, I have been watching porn since I was about 21.

    I am just about to finish my M.A. in philosophy, and I hope to begin doctoral studies next fall. My education has been a big motivation for my decision to stop the unhealthy sexual behavior. First, I have come to learn that virtue is absolutely necessary in the quest for truth and, thus, if I am to become a better philosopher, I need to become a more virtuous person.

    Second, I have found that when I am stressed about school work, I tend to turn to masturbation and pornography as an outlet. The problem with this is that it becomes a time-waster, and drains my motivation to get my work done.

    So, here I am, hoping to make it a whole year without masturbation or porn. No more wasted time. Time to learn some self mastery.
  2. Ulick Myers

    Ulick Myers Fapstronaut

    Hello Aristotle. I wonder do the scribes of ancient Greece have anything to say about masturbation? It would be interesting to learn their thoughts.
    It is interesting that you link NoFap with virtuous behaviour. Personally, I see no moral problem with the act of masturbation. It is only when it becomes a compulsion and interferes with work, social life and ultimately mental health that it becomes a problem in my view. If I thought I could limit masturbation to once every week or 10 days I would feel I had reached a happy medium. But I don't think I'd be able to discipline myself in this way so it has to be all or nothing.
    I do think you will find NoFap a great benefit in terms of productivity in your work and studies and this has been my own biggest benefit to date.
  3. fish

    fish Fapstronaut

    Hey there Aristotle: Fapping and the humanities are natural bed fellows -- and I don't mean mental masturbation (well that too). Nothing like a dense demanding theoretical work to turn on the porn light. Basically the light means rest the brain, so I would advise not replacing faptime with more worktime but with productive leisure time where you can rest your brain and get in a flow state (rock climbing for instance).

  4. claritas

    claritas New Fapstronaut

    Good luck with your MA! I'm a grad student in philosophy as well. I agree that the academic lifestyle makes it particularly easy to fall into PMO habits. I have a feeling Aristotle would have said that getting rid of PMO would be a step towards cultivating the virtue of temperance. :) All the best, with luck we can both come out of this as persons of greater excellence than before... and with better practical virtues for our teaching, writing and publishing!