PIED CURED, overcoming femdom and sex anxiety

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by The_Don, Jan 18, 2021.

  1. The_Don

    The_Don Fapstronaut

    I did it. I had succesful sex last night and I tell you that for you guys having problems with this, its NO BIG DEAL (you can see my story in a post I wrote 2 years ago).

    I was maybe a month withouth pm (I had a couple wet dreams), and after doing nofap for about 3-4 years on and off the best thing I can give you advice if you are struggling with having erections, is to simply take 10 minutes right now and DECIDE that you are not longer a guy who does pmo, let that idea sink DEEPLY, and continue with your life KNOWING that you are no longer that person, just focus on that idea for 10 minutes only and never go back to rationalize about anything related with this, take a life decision right know, its in your hand I promise. Just know that you are a healthy and sexually capable guy from now on.

    Forget about streaks, it only reinforces the idea that you in fact want to watch P, its ridiculous, trust me. If you do this well the next time you want to PM you will see it from an observers point of view and youll think of it as something your old self would do. This implies changing your habits, clean your room, make your bed everyday and throw away the chair in your bedroom, stop watching that Netflix show at 1am and change your sleep patterns, maybe change the position your bed is in your bedroom, and specially try to make your routine more social (I know the times we live in are difficult for this one) but it improves everything, humans are social creatures by nature.

    What I would do in the past is to reject sexual opportunities because I was only maybe 6-7 days in and it was a very short streak. Forget about waiting for a streak to feel capable, you are capable RIGHT NOW if you let go once and forever.

    This might be obvious for some of you but Im a very logical and rational guy, everytime I had a sexual encounter I just treated it as something mechanical and robotic, I simply let that overthinking go and completely focused on my partner, it was incredible.

    For you young guys having trouble with PIED related issues, next time you are with a partner just feel the desire that you have for that particular girl and focus primarily on the senses, logic kills erections, it's common sense I know, but must of us have very rational minds and we lose so many thing being like this. If you find this difficult I recommend doing something that clears your mind, it can be meditation or any other activity that reinforces that flow feeling (dont do videogames or pc for this one) Anything PMO related isn't in the equation anymore, is you and the girl having a a fun time, nothing else.

    And finally for those struggling with femdom, remind yourself this is NOT YOU, is well programmed videos that keeps you high on dopamine. Everyone of us is a healthy, sexually capable guy that naturally wants to reproduce with females. Everything outside is just incredible marketing and advanced mind programming to keep you addicted, realize that and move on. Unstuck yourself.

    I will answer any questions today and tomorrow and Im out, thanks for reading guys.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2021
  2. Slimjimjones

    Slimjimjones Fapstronaut

    Watch out guys this dude is spittin FACTS at a dangerous pace.
    Congrats man!
  3. MrBlue201

    MrBlue201 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

  4. luke775

    luke775 Fapstronaut

    Wow thanks for that man, I'm quite young (19) and had performance issues my first time, I've been too scared to get with another girl since then as I've always been worried I won't be good enough or I will not be able to get it up. I've had many girls wanting to be with me and stuff but I've always found an excuse because I'm scared. I really want to start having relationships/sex with girls again. I just want to wait for a caring girl that I like and will understand. Thanks for your post, it really helped.
  5. phwrancesco

    phwrancesco Fapstronaut

    Amazing how most people choose the worse thing you can poaaibly do: doing Nofap on and off.
    When the truth is that only thing you need is a solid 90 days or so streak to fix most of the problems!

    Good job!
    LetsGetStarted likes this.
  6. Slimjimjones

    Slimjimjones Fapstronaut

    To be honest what would help you the most is getting more confidence in bed while staying away from porn and stuff. If you think and worry about it before sex it's going to be tough to get it up. Just get that confidence and stay off porn and you should be good to go :)
    Slowlybutsurely likes this.
  7. Red Moon

    Red Moon Fapstronaut

    Did you experience the FLATLINE ?
  8. Fly310562

    Fly310562 Fapstronaut

    You’re right! If you truly believe that you are done with PMO and have that strong desire to change you will instantly cure your own PIED (my issue is weak erection for 14 years). I was PMO free for 4-5 days in December 2019 when I came across a post here that spoke to me. It immediately changed my thinking and I told my self I was done with this drug/addiction. When I got my strong erections I thought I’d never go back to having soft erections again. So I went back to PMO and a week later they got soft again. I’m on a streak of 6 weeks currently and the way I think and feel is very similar similar to the way I felt that December. Still, I’m going to give myself more time before I try anything (don’t worry I’m not going to PMO).
    MrBlue201 likes this.
  9. MrBlue201

    MrBlue201 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I still think there is a physical aspect that can make sex harder, but I appreciate this post bc that can heal (or rewire) and you could still have mental holdups... PMO uses mind and body, so your mind and body have to heal.