Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by A7teck, Aug 9, 2015.

  1. A7teck

    A7teck Fapstronaut

    Let me start out by saying I never thought I had a "problem" with porn or masturbating. Here and there through the years I've had a few moments of "I wonder if this normal..." and being a bit concerned about how these behaviors may be affecting my mind and body. I have been married for almost 5 years (a very rocky 5 years) and this is an issue that has often come up.

    For years I have also had a drinking problem which I'm finally getting under control. After a few weeks of sobriety and some more intentional living and decision making I noticed I hadn't been using porn or masturbating as frequently as I had been. I basically had a eureka moment when I began to see a pattern of behavior that had formed over years of drinking and depression.

    Basically I would 1) start to drink 2) stay up late and watch porn 3) Feel like crap the following day(s) and 4) watch more porn/masturbate to try to feel better.

    For a while these behaviors worked at making me feel a bit better. Then I noticed my drinking was getting worse, I was feeling worse, and I was getting almost no satisfaction of any kind from porn, masturbation or THE REAL THING. I was also sinking deeper into depression, but I was drunk so often I didn't ever deal with any emotional issues causing it. I was/am stuck in a habit loop that is thoroughly self-destructive.

    As I sobered up and began to confront with my emotions and other issues I realized that drinking and porn were not the problems- they were symptoms. I was self-medicating in the worst way and my body/mind began to need more and more "medicine" to keep up. After some near-rock bottom moments I finally decided I'd had enough of feeling so terrible and worthless and physically wrecked. I wanted out of the habit loop.

    Drinking and porn have basically gone hand-in-hand for me for years. And both things have similar triggers for me- stressful day? Grab a beer/watch porn. Something awesome happens? Get drunk with the guys until you'er the last one up, then watch porn. Got in a fight with the wife? You guessed it- drinking and porn. Eventually I was drinking so consistently and using porn so frequently that I lost track of the "why" I was doing/using those things.

    As I said, a recent commitment to getting control of my drinking has showed me I have other vices that require attention. I realized I needed some kind of support and encouragement, along with a dose of accountability to start to fight against my destructive habits. Not drinking has been surprisingly pretty easy. But the porn...the porn has stayed.

    This morning I had a moment of weakness and gave in...and felt like crap afterward. Not just physically but emotionally. I was almost immediately depressed and physically weak and apathetic. This is not the life I want, and I am not the person I want to be. I have known for a long time I needed to address my drinking problem- seeing how deep a hold porn and masturbating have on me has probably shocked me more than a recent intervention my friends had for me after a night of particularly excessive drunkenness.

    I am hoping to one day post in the Success Stories in this forum, and also that whatever I'm going through my be laid out in a way that others can find useful as they fight for a better, more fulfilled life without the tangles of addictions and the decisions and behaviors that accompany them.
  2. Elduderino

    Elduderino Fapstronaut

    Fight like a brave. ;)
  3. Septimus

    Septimus Fapstronaut


    Coming here was a success. Congratulations on that!

    Keep coming back; you'll learn a lot and gain help and wisdom from others here.
  4. mikepian

    mikepian Fapstronaut

    Hey A7, glad you're here. We need your support.

    You married young. You have taken on a lot of responsibility, and have been hindered from dealing with it because of your addictions.
    But you have kicked some pretty big ones--drugs and smoking, esp.
    But you see now how true it is when they say that PMO may well be the toughest addiction to fight. It is a vicious master.

    As for being "normal"--it is in the sense that most boys and men masturbate and use porn at different points in their lives. A whole lot of use get/got addicted to it. Let's face it, it feels damn good; it is a hideaway from stress and problems (though it creates more than it eases); society throws temptations our way every minute, they are inescapable.

    Good news is: you beat several other addictions. I am only guessing--but do you consider yourself an alcoholic? If so, you know the damage even one drink will cause you.

    Porn and masturbation are like that: just one little, deliberate peek, just touching yourself for pleasure once more--and we fall right back into the cycle and have to start over.

    There is not a guy on here who has not gone through so many relapses that they can't count them. But you're not a failure when you fall, only if you stay down.

    Some things I and other guys have found helpful:

    1. Most important, take some time to really think about WHY you want to quit PMO. You have a wife who is hurt by this behavior. IMO, for a married guy, his wife and (eventual) children should be his sun, moon, and stars. That's a good motivator. Plus,
    a decent, clean Man makes the best husband and father. You can think of other important reasons to stop.

    2. Fill in these blanks with a "good" fantasy---As a man who has gotten free of PMO:
    I will be....
    I will feel....
    I will be able to....
    My wife will say that I....
    My friends and family will say that I....

    All of this make up your reasons to stop.

    Then, take practical measure that are tried and true for most of us:

    3. Exercise hard each day; make yourself really sweat. Show your body who's boss!
    4. Take cold showers. They suck, I know, but they help to cool your lust and are good all around for both body and soul.
    5. Do NOT stay up beyond the time your wife goes to bed. No exceptions.
    6. Do not be alone in your house when using your cell phone or computer. Also install strict blockers that you can't get around.
    7. You cannot help seeing cute girls everywhere, even on "innocent" tv or internet. But you can control your eyes from taking a second look; and no sex fantasies. Period.
    8. If you are really, really serious about NoFap, think about talking to your wife about it. We are your band of brothers here on this site, but she can be your best buddy in getting free.
    9. Come here often to read and to post.

    I think you show real bravery for admitting your need and for taking the step to get here. And it seems to me that you have good insight and know how important this effort is.

    Lots more will develop as you add some more days to your current streak.

    Post "in both the good times and the bad."

    Peace, man. Mike
  5. A7teck

    A7teck Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your reply Mike. I really like your suggestions about starting this whole thing. Like I said, porn always seemed to be a "back burner" issue, I figured well, ONE day I'll quit/cut back my drinking and then I can probably just deal with porn. Its been pretty startling for me to see PMO could be, and likely is, a worse issue for me than my drinking. On a side note, I don't consider myself an alcoholic as in being someone who is physically dependent on alcohol. But I am absolutely 100% an abuser, and I know I cannot have ONE beer. That piece of my brain is broken. If I start drinking, I do not stop. I can go without drinking and have had long and short stretches of not drinking for different reasons without any kind of physical symptoms of *needing* a drink.

    Exercise is something I really need to make a priority. I'm in HVAC so a lot of days are pretty physically demanding, but I have always felt and acted better when I consistently work out. For me it has to be first thing in the morning, otherwise it won't get done. And it is also sets a good tone for my day and I feel I have a lot more energy and sleep better as well.

    One really important thing I've learned from my years of drinking is that no one or thing will make you quit. And I suppose that goes for just about anything in life. The day I decided I really, really wanted to sober up and straighten out I was thinking how tired I was of feeling so bad all the time (physically and emotionally). I of course had thought about my wife, kids, commitments and responsibilities, an uncle who drank himself to death. Those were all reasons, but I had to decide to do it for myself to feel better. I've basically come to the same point with porn- my wife and I have fought about it and I've used whatever excuse you can think of for it. I'm at a point in my life where I just don't want to keep on doing things that distort and muddle my life and reality. So whether that be drinking or porn or whatever other behavior, I want to get on the other side of them and take control. And that begins and ends with ME.
  6. mikepian

    mikepian Fapstronaut

    HVAC is tough work, A7. I have a cousin who's in it.

    Your post is awesome--I see you have great personal insight. So, with your self-knowledge, determination, and proven will power, you've got all the goods you need to NoFap forever. But start first with a week or two!

    Peace and every good thing, bro. Mike