The beginning!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Deleted Account, Feb 27, 2018.

  1. New to the community, I finally decided to get serious and and eliminate PMO from my life. I'm waking up every morning with no morning wood, and I've been intimate once w/ a female and got semi hard. I'm ready to commit to something for my own well being. It's going to be hard (no pun intended) but I'm going to read post daily on here to keep me motivated. Any tips? I'm only on Day 5.
    FigureOfSpeech likes this.
  2. Johnnyfranks

    Johnnyfranks Fapstronaut

    Stay busy until you fall asleep. I use the gym and my job to distract me. Make the internet hard to reach at night and first thing in morning. Staying in public view..nowhere to hide helps too. Find a project if possible. If your handy go on pintrist for ideas. I like to build my own things around the house so it's easy for me to find something to do. There are lots of people on here ready to support you
    FigureOfSpeech likes this.
  3. Thank you!! I appreciate that.
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