transwoman and Gay porn, how many addicted?

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by SpringWater, Apr 23, 2019.

  1. Luvspin68

    Luvspin68 Fapstronaut

  2. Luvspin68

    Luvspin68 Fapstronaut

    Question for Shock the System.....
    Does your wife know about the outside activities?
    (I am a partner of a person who has acted out) so I am trying to gain understanding about this type of activity.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2019
  3. Clean Willy

    Clean Willy Fapstronaut

    HOCD = Homosexual Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
  4. No she does not know. On understanding it the most I can say is for me it’s like a bargaining thinking “oh it’s just this, it’s anonymous and I just need to orgasm, nobody gets hurt, no strings attached. It doesn’t count because it’s same sex” I could go on and on, but it’s all cheating, and wrong and unfair. I have realized that and want to stop. The shame for me is much more powerful than any gratification
  5. TimeToQuitNow

    TimeToQuitNow Fapstronaut

    If you really feel that the shame is greater than the gratification then you need to remember that the next time you are about to relapse. It won't be easy but you can do it. Be strong
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Luvspin68

    Luvspin68 Fapstronaut

    To Shock the System
    So..... could you just ask your wife.... to give you a blow job when you get these urges? Or is the illicit/taboo/ secretive orgasm so much better?
    Or maybe in your case, the same-sex urge is driving it.
    My BF has visited TS escorts.
    Deleted Account likes this.

    I have and she does. I have no problems with my wife as a sexual partner and lover. There’s been many days where I would masturbate and orgasm to porn or with another person, and orgasm up to 5 times a day, and then still be sexually active with my wife. Our sex life is healthy, my behavior and activities are not.

    No those illicit and secretive are not better because I feel shameful about it afterwards like “why did I do this?...” and I’m tired of that. I would say it’s a same sex urge as much as it’s a need to orgasm, where it’s like “ok let me see if I can find a woman, then TS because it’s almost female, then screw it, why not a guy” even with guys it all starts like “hey bro, what kind or porn you watch? big are you? ever done anything with a guy?...”

    No more for me. No more shame. I know I have a problem and 2 days ago I stopped it all and do not want to go back and I need support from this community
    jblaze129 and Deleted Account like this.
  8. Luvspin68

    Luvspin68 Fapstronaut

    Shock to system
    You will get a lot of support here!!
    I’m totally pulling for you.
    I hoping that your mere desire to stop will be enough. From what it seems like in this site, it may be more difficult than that.
    Good good luck. Please keep me updated on your progress.
    If you are able to just “stop” it will give me and others hope!
  9. Lot Yanisin

    Lot Yanisin Fapstronaut

    My vote is 'secretive/illicit/taboo' being the real thrill.

    I've checked out TS escort ads myself, too. Damn, some were real hot too. Maybe in a parallel universe I'm not as strong to resist picking up the phone... but at least I haven't gotten to that point...
  10. Thank you @Luvspin68! I really appreciate you support and your questions and if there’s anything you want to ask or are curious you can ask me. I read some of your posts about the situation you and your partner went through and you have every right to feel the way that you do. Me and my wife went through a rough patch early On because of my behavior with another woman.

    I agree with you, @Lot Yanisin. I feel addicted to the thrill rather than the sexual actions themselves. I had a long chat and voice “relationship” with a crossdressing male, that would speak to me in a very very feminine voice and would only chat and talk to me when in the “mood”. That whole “relationship” really messed up my head
  11. Bjar

    Bjar Fapstronaut

    Chico, me siento muy identificado con Uds y noc como actuar, actualmente estoy en un círculo vicioso donde entró en chat gay y participó, estoy casado y me gustan mucho las mujeres, pero esto es algo que me saca de control, solo tuve una experiencia gay de la cual no me sentí satisfecho, pero el chat me hace como una adicción y es algo que no se cómo dejar a un lado, cuando hago el amor con mi esposa no pienso en nada gay. Pero cuando estoy solo me entra ansiedad por los chat.

    @Bjar my path with SSA and TS/CD is a very similar and my problem started with a TS/CD in a chat room who posted something like “hello! CD with a very fem voice, looking to chat and voice with a dom daddy...” I was in the chat rooms for women, wasting so much time never really finding or connecting with an actual woman until that posting. I thought to myself “can’t be that’s LIKE a woman, don’t have to do or say anything that would make me feel gay...” and so I messaged and we ended up voicing and every time I would go I would want to find someone or something similar to that because women weren’t responding in chats. That’s what led me to my TS and SSA curiousity but I always prefer women, The porn I view is always guy on girl and I really did not watch or view much guy on guy or she male porn until this chat experience.
    jblaze129 likes this.
  13. Hi! I've same problem I'm really into transwoman problem been trying quit, but hell it's hard. But last night I had first sexual encounter with transwoman, now regretting and I'm worried about that I got HIV, even though sex was totally safe. As for now, I thinking to quit the porn totally and let's see what happens. This has gone too far
    jblaze129 likes this.
  14. Bjar

    Bjar Fapstronaut

    Te entiendo estoy en la misma situación y no quiero continuar así, siento que esto de los chat y pornografía me está controlando. Noc que hacer para terminar esto, e dicho no vuelvo a entrar a esta página y termino regresando.
  15. Bjar

    Bjar Fapstronaut

    es algo que no puedo controlar o parar y no quiero que afecte mi familia. No quisiera seguir asi.
  16. JackOfAll

    JackOfAll Fapstronaut

    Bjar likes this.