What defines being _addicted_ to porn?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by TryingHard2Change, Nov 24, 2017.

  1. TryingHard2Change

    TryingHard2Change Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I assume this has been asked before .. probably many times. And I've been reading a ton about porn and being addicted to porn. I want to stop -- and I have not been able to for 20 years now. So I suppose that right there defines addiction.

    I believe porn is wrong .. so maybe it doesn't really matter if myself or whoever is technically addicted or not ... it's wrong / it should be avoided.


    I guess another way to ask the question in my title is what is the difference between watching porn occasionally (and always come back to it) and being _addicted_ to porn?

    Again, it doesn't matter--if one believes that porn is wrong .. addiction or not isn't really the question -- just don't do it (whether your "addicted" or not).

    Sorry for the ramble...just thinking out loud.
  2. Manb

    Manb Fapstronaut

    If you change "watching porn" with "smoking a cigaret" then, smoking a cigaret occasionally would mean that you only do it sometimes and you don't think about it 24/7.
    And being addicted would mean that you smoke a sigaret everyday because you have the urge to.

    Still, a lot of people say that they smoke a cigaret or watch porn occasionally, but a lot of them are also already addicted..
  3. I think an addiction has two key elements; it (1) usually is something you "regularly" (varies from person to person) feel compelled to do (2) although it has a negative impact on your life. Breathing is a compulsion, but it isn't an addiction because it benefits us. Getting drunk once a year on New Year's has negative consequences, but it is more of an annual tradition, so that's not necessarily an addiction either. When the two come together it makes your daily life feel unmanageable, and ultimately, your entire life.

    In simple terms, an addiction is any compulsion that becomes 'out of balance'.