1st try to climb out

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by elbigdog, May 22, 2014.

  1. elbigdog

    elbigdog Fapstronaut

    So, I've been a PMO addict for quite some time. I'm currently 24 and have been struggling with this problem for more then half of my life. Ever since it has started I have tried to get out, with little to no success. The longest that I went was 1 year with out PMO which I attribute to the grace of god. However, even during that time i could feel the pull of PMO and new that i was an addict. I've recently started visiting a therapist and still feel that it has little or no success. I can't even make it a week without PMO. I want to change.

    My problem has greatly impacted my social life, the progress of my personal goals, and my dating life. It has shot my confidence in the face and then took a leak all over it. I'm 24 and haven't even dated a girl seriously in my entire life. And I believe that i'm a good looking guy being 6'4 and in good shape. However this addiction has greatly impacted my life. I can tell because whenever i have a streak of abstinence, my social life improves, i'm not nervous to talk to people, and i feel confident enough to move a mountain. Then I relapse and it shot down again.

    I'm hoping nofap give me hope. I hope it can help me by communicating with other individuals who share the same problems i do. You can't slay a beast until you get it out of the cave. i hope this can reassure me that there is light and that i can control these feelings, (Cause I know i will probably have lustful temptation all my life). I desire a greater control over my life, but i'm having a hard time finding a hope strong enough to keep me fighting. FOr more then a week at least :) Any Advice would be very helpful.
    Last edited: May 22, 2014