90 days done

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by MFCSteele, Apr 7, 2016.

  1. MFCSteele

    MFCSteele Fapstronaut

    Made it. Pretty easy once I got a routine down. Kept myself busy.
    A lot of turn ons are faded. Some remain but we'll see how i feel in another 90 days.
  2. phil87

    phil87 Fapstronaut

    what a nice way to treat yourself with this nice present...
    happy birthday and:
    well done!
    MFCSteele likes this.
  3. Loyal

    Loyal Fapstronaut

    Keep going, brother!
    MFCSteele likes this.
  4. RedEd101

    RedEd101 Fapstronaut

    Have you seen any benefits?
    MFCSteele likes this.
  5. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    Major congrats on reaching such milestone. Hope you soldier on beyond and keep going.
    MFCSteele likes this.
  6. BushidoWarrior

    BushidoWarrior Fapstronaut

    MFCSteele likes this.
  7. Ikindaknew

    Ikindaknew Fapstronaut

    @MFCSteele ,

    Congrats! don't disappear now, keep sharing!
    MFCSteele likes this.
  8. MFCSteele

    MFCSteele Fapstronaut

    I'll have a large update when I grab a computer. I fat finger the keys too much on this phone.
  9. MFCSteele

    MFCSteele Fapstronaut

    Triggers warning (whats it like to be so weak words hurt you?) What helped me the most was staying
    busy. The mornings on weekends were the hardest but new video games gave me something else to do instead of laying in bed with my thoughts.

    Another big things was my marriage. Rewind the clock and I started this because my wife threatened to leave. Totally justified. My addiction got bad that porn wasnt enough, i started talking to other people into the things I was i to. (Does it matter what it was? No. So i dont need to say) she caught me and was understandably upset. I convinced her that part of the problem was my addiction. So, simple logic was beat the addiction or loose my wife who was with child.
    The little guy is 2 weeks old and my wife has been wearing her ring again.
    We discussed the possibility that some of the turn ons might not leave but we will only know if we wait. So far i feel like im traveling back in time with what i was into. Started normal porn, than uniforms, the lesbian, hardcore, creampies, milfs, sissys full gay and so on but now what up until recently was the current high isnt appealing. If that makes sense.
    She said we could do some of them if they stayed, not giving permission for them to stay but in case they do. I am excited about the prospect that only *normal" stuff will be what im into. I will also say i am a bit disappointed that some of them remain but ive been looking up porn for almost 20 years so it cant be undone in 90 days.
  10. Ikindaknew

    Ikindaknew Fapstronaut

    I like that. I feel the same way.
    Its hard to say bye to all the "bling". I know I can't forget about my fetish right now. It's not bugging me bad, but its like my greatest music band or my favorite meal. I just know I like it. The wife told me that she might "adapt" a little bit with a big MAYBE, that's IF she feels better abotu herself and after she loses a few pounds. She wants to feel sexier before she loosens up a bit.

    Sounds promizing you say? Well, it depends on many factors. So If I wait for it, keep the door open and it never comes, I might get frustrated again.

    To me, I threw everything thru the window, except my foot/shoe fetish. That one I'm not sure how I possibly could forget about. It's not a porn-induced fetish. It was there since I'm young.