96 days of no porn

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Deleted Account, Apr 2, 2019.

  1. Well, this is going to be a long post.
    I've been 96 days porn free. In this time I've masturbated maybe 6 times. A couple of them were sexting and the others were just MO without even fantasyzing about it.
    The last time I MO was like 20-30 days ago (i have no clue).
    I am studying abroad, I came here 11 days ago and I've been so busy, meeting people, hunging out, walking around... So I have had zero urges to masturbate.
    When you go abroad you feel kind of free and fresh to start anew, so I have been like super confident and there's a few girls noticeably interested on me. Some of them lost interest after getting to know me better, though. I feel good around them, I always keep a comfortable straight look to their eyes, to the point they smile kind of flirty, and you can tell she is impressed by it, it's weird to explain, but it happens. I have also been dressing nicely with shirts, Chinese-style trousers, nice watch and all, and that makes a ton. I'm not pretending to be who I am not, I just discovered I like this style.
    I wouldn't say this comes as a result of nofap, but I am sure that being a 26 years old virgin, if I were still fapping to porn I'd feel so ashamed of myself and the story would be completely different.
    The problem is that I don't get horny, and I've got a bunch of Facebooks and Lines, but I don't make the move because I am basically afraid of my dick not working at all. What's the point of having a date if I don't want the girl?
    Also, there's a beautiful girl with whom I have a deep connection, like I think I could fall in love with her, if I look at her eyes for more than 10 seconds while she talks, she can't avoid smiling, sometimes she bits her lip or looks at me in a meaningful way, even if we're talking stupid shit like what day we have to go to Uni to do something. But then, I don't feel any freaking horniness in me, even though she is so beautiful. So this is killing me.
    I'm looking better than ever (healthy food and calisthenics for months), dressing better than ever, being more confident on my skin and on who I am than ever. But something is out.
    I've been considering going to an escort, just to see if I can activate my sexual side, but I'm not sure, because I think that the coldness of it might make my dick not work, and then I'll just definitely assume that I'm asexual, gay or whatever.
    At this moment I am completely lost on this matter. So I succeeded on quitting porn, but I didn't succeed on accomplishing a healthy sexual life, which is the only real reason I am doing this for.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2019
    JZ022419 likes this.
  2. Bobske

    Bobske Fapstronaut

    Don't worry mate, you're probably in love, which is completely different from horniness. Good of you to stop P and way to go on the not MO either! Love yourself and don't get to fixated on the sex side. Read on this forum and you'll see it takes a while to get the P out of your brain. Your Dick will work or it won't worrying will probably make it worse. But hey if I read all the stories here, the woman will understand. (I've had a few days/weeks where I thought do I still have a Dick, so quiet it was, seems to be part of the proces;)

    It is tough being a virgin (I was till 21), but remember; life is more than sex and you are complete and whole and a good person without it as well.
    It sounds like you are doing a great job reinventing yourself, being the best person you want to be. So don't be afraid, go out there and find love, not sex.
    Best of luck
    I'mJustAChoice and JZ022419 like this.
  3. Thanks for the support. I am totally craving for love, a deep connection with someone, a kind of relationship I never really had, but that I know I can totally have. Actually I just want to have sex to prove myself that I can have it, that I am normal in that sense.
    I know there is only one life, and I have to keep trying, because trying is the only way.
  4. I understand you. But remember that message forever. Those are the feels bitches(with all respect to women who give birth, who look after their family, for those who are strong, independent in a good sense.) that use you manipulate you and destroy you ass(with all my respect to you). Sex is not a big thing, your problem is concentrating too much on it. I have lost my virginity at 14, though I think of myself as asexual too. I don't really like to "fuck", just for the pleasure.(with respect to everybody). We got to keep it 100. If you look for deep love, you will be played. She will play with you like a kid plays Nintendo. With them controllers. Believe that.