A new start.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by ChefFanatikTak, May 15, 2019.

  1. ChefFanatikTak

    ChefFanatikTak New Fapstronaut

    Hi all!

    So, I’ve tried this like 2 years ago, and I stopped after probably 2 weeks.

    But right now I see some really big issues I have, low self esteem, troubles to remember things, having positive thoughts and stuff like that.

    I’m 21 and I’m struggling a lot. I’ve seen a lot of stuff about stopping porn and masturbation, and I want to be the best version of myself . I think this might be the best way.

    In around a month, I’m opening my own restaurant, and I need to be more than ready for that, I want all the cards in my hand ( this is a French expression cause I’m french, I hope it makes sense for you aha )

    I don’t really know if I had to make a presentation, but I feel like I needed that, and to feel supported !

    Hear you soon !
    romlel likes this.
  2. romlel

    romlel Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Welcome here : ) Bienvenue cher compatriote!

    Tu as fais le bon choix de venir ici. Rebooting c'est pour le corps autant que l'esprit, laves toi le cerveau régulièrement en lisant ici ou ailleurs sur le sujet.
    Un post qui m'a particulièrement inspiré : https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?threads/6-years-clean-rebooting-as-the-best-remedy.135983/
    Ce qui m'a aidé c'est vraiment de continuer, de réfléchir sur ses erreurs et le fait que le Nofap c'est juste un commencement vers un mode de vie plus sain.
    Bon courage sur le chemin et n'hésite pas si tu as besoin de conseils ;)
  3. whether or not you're suffering from porn addiction, the only way to learn workplace behavior is to just learn it through experience, and evaluate yourself and others behaviors each day.