A quarter of a century passed, time to make a change

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by guy209, Jul 19, 2014.

  1. guy209

    guy209 Fapstronaut

    Hello everybody,

    First of all I would like to say that I really admire your work here. You've decided to tackle a very serious issue that society seems to overlook and by overlooking only increasing it's severity so great job!

    My name is Guy and I first started to understand I have a problem when I had sex for the first time. As you can imagine I did not function very well. From that time I promised myself that I will stop watching hardcore pron and I have managed to keep that promise till this day quite well.I continued though with stuff like webcams, pictures of nude models, bikini models and so forth. The problem is my mind cannot heal this way, the false image of female beauty will remain in my mind, and that urge you all probably know will not disappear and it is defiantly causing problems in my life.
    I have decided that I want to completely eliminate not only that but also masturbating from my life.
    When I was in the army we had a saying that when climbing a tall mountain don't look at the pick, but at the next curve in the path. My next curve will be one of the nofap challenges and hopefully someday I will get to the pick.

  2. zadvanceppa

    zadvanceppa Fapstronaut

    I'm ex army too ! 82nd infantry. This has been one of the most rewarding things I have ever done for myself. Found out about it last Dec. Just by not PMO'ing ,my life and outlook has improved so much. Now the "if only's" If only I knew about this stuff in my teens or 20's. Oh well ! Is still terrific at 52. I am not very religious and morally have no problem with jacking off. But knowing what I have learned here and other similar places plus how I feel now; my jacking off is over. I think all the young guys and girls here are pretty lucky to have found this out.
  3. chelo

    chelo Fapstronaut

    Hi Guy, before getting into a challenge get a PMO counter or just visit nofap frequently, placebo or not I found that this site motivated me to keep up with the fapstinence, good luck.