After 4 to 5 months without porn/around 2 months without masturbation

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Ub3rT1m3, Nov 18, 2017.

  1. Ub3rT1m3

    Ub3rT1m3 Fapstronaut

    Sorry I didn't come on and share this sooner. When I was using porn I felt like a pathetic loser who girls would never look at twice and well I was. After stopping for around 4 or 5 months and concentrating on exercise and work, things got better. I was feeling more confident and the negativity and self-deprecating attitude was fading away.

    So I mustered up the courage to go out on a night out for the first time in a long time. Now I'm never one to try and chat up girls or anything like that but this time I thought fuck I talked to this girl who we were out with and we hit it off. I slept with her that night. The next weekend I asked a girl out on a tinder date, things went well and I slept with her on our first date. The week after I did the same again with another girl.

    Now you have to understand that before this I hadn't had sex in more than 2 years and overall I was very inexperienced. Then in the space of 3 weeks I managed to have sex with 3 different partners.

    To be honest hookups aren't really my thing but I just wanted to see if I could do it. I actually started seeing one of the girls for a short while after but unfortunately it didn't work out. Point is, this shit really works. Quit porn and jerking off today and become your better self. Meet real women and have real connections with real people!
  2. Congratulations @Ub3rT1m3 on your new real life! Thank you for sharing your story as well!
  3. Did you have anxiety, depression and brain fog before reboot? And if so, I'm gonna assume it got better?

    Congratulations btw very nice accomplishment, hope I can write the same thing one day!
  4. Ub3rT1m3

    Ub3rT1m3 Fapstronaut

    Hi mate. There are lots of ups and downs of course as anyone on this forum will tell you. Depression, anxiety and brain fog are certainly present during some stages of recovery but never in the extreme. These symptoms will always be far more severe when you're succumbing to addiction and engaging in heavy PMO. Anything you experience during sobriety will pale in comparison to what you go through when you're using.

    I should say I'm not sure I ever did fully achieve a reboot and I'd put that down to only going around 2 months without MO. Things will get better but don't expect it to completely resolve your issues and be a miracle cure for your problems. I think it was that mentality that caused me to relapse again not too long after.

    Remember that addiction is merely a distraction/coping mechanism for other underlying issues in our lives. When you're deep into recovery and can finally see and think clearly again, hopefully you'll be able to identify and work through whatever it is that led you down this path to begin with and fix it once and for all.

    Good luck and all the best.
    jyvais likes this.
  5. I know what you mean and I agree, it's how you think, perceive and connect things, but I think pmo may have played a large factor in my problems as well, the prior I have worked on quite intensively because I was at the bottom so I had to change something. And I think I may have worded my question wrong, did you experience those symptoms before your ATTEMPTS at reboot?
  6. Ub3rT1m3

    Ub3rT1m3 Fapstronaut

    I'm so sorry that I didn't respond to this at the time, I somehow completely missed it. Yes I experienced all these symptoms before rebooting. I'm an anxious person anyway without PMO then using it just compounds everything and makes the symptoms worse.

    After being sober for a long time the symptoms got a lot better for me.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. JouleTrader

    JouleTrader Fapstronaut

  8. determined488

    determined488 Fapstronaut

    Great story, but I'm a 20 year old male and still a virgin. Should I wait until I find a girl who is also a virgin? Should I see an escort? I really do not want to disappoint a girl who is a non virgin by my inexperience. Any suggestions?
  9. Ub3rT1m3

    Ub3rT1m3 Fapstronaut

    You’re still very young, don’t worry about this. I didn’t lose my virginity till a similar age. Unfortunately it was with the wrong person and for all the wrong reasons. I actually wish I’d waited longer. When you find the right girl, this won’t be important at all.

    Focus on yourself first and foremost. Don’t try and force things just because of external pressure to do so, its important that you let them happen naturally. Get yourself right mentally and physically and the rest will follow.