1. The Circle only has one side

    The Circle only has one side New Fapstronaut

    Hi guys,

    I am new to this forum, kudos to many warriors here motivating each other and transmuting past limitations. As an avid yoga practitioner and meditator, I can definitely feel the benefits of retaining and transmuting sexual energy. I have not masturbated or ejaculated (hard mode) for close to 3 months (bar one or two instances of what I have just come to know as edging, and a few nocturnal emissions). I have been off porn a very long while ago. I am trying to achieve a longer run without masturbation, it's getting better. But whenever I break the run, I realise it's because of frustration (emotional or personal life) or a feeling of pressure in the pelvic area, with the perception that I need to release or I will go crazy.

    I also realise that a lot of our addictions and habits are so mind driven. If the mind is kept engaged, preferably on your passions or hobbies, the energy does get transcended, and the urges pass. But sometimes the emotions and frustrations are so overwhelming that the body naturally wants to masturbate to release all tensions - it's like a coping mechanism for pleasure and unmet needs (intimacy, connection, self-esteem, self worth, communication etc). I find this has been a driving factor for masturbation versus feeling horny or aroused (seems easier to let that pass). Because of my belief that ejaculation is the easy way out, and loss of precious energy, I have been able to ride the tough waves of emotions when they hit, by trying to do other things instead - like music, watching videos etc, but I do get very restless and not too productive. My question is, should we allow ourselves to release through masturbation (ideally in a conscious manner, without attaching or objectifying women) once in a while when the going really gets tough, or just keep abstaining longest possible as long as willpower is intact? Will this lead to suppression if not handled properly?

    I would also like to masturbate without ejaculation if possible, but that takes a lot of practice and learning of tantric practices. Otherwise, it becomes edging, which I have come to realise is not very healthy.

    Just a candid sharing, and welcome any views or advice.

    Cheers :emoji_pray:
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2019
    guy_376 likes this.
  2. I’m my personal opinion - and to be honest sexual transmutation is not my greatest skill so far - I would think that a major reason for this process is to find a healthier way to manage these unprocessed and unhealthy emotions.

    That being said I also consider myself to be an addict. I don’t believe that I have the ability to masturbate simply for the natural pleasure without eventually objectifying women and doing it compulsively. The sole reason I feel the “need” to jerk off has primarily to do with the underlining characteristic of lust that expresses itself through most of my thoughts and GENERAL behaviors. My mission in recovery is to eradicate this lust as completely as possible and to develop true value and character.

    This doesn’t mean that sexuality should be suppressed, either, though. I believe that this is a time to develop social awareness and pursue healthy relationships that fulfill us on a spiritual level. Sexual suppression doesn’t need to be a part of this process. Conversations with women - even simply being in the very presence of a woman - can be a sexual experience IF you are being receptive to the energy that you are giving to her and getting back from her.

    I hope this is helpful lol
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 24, 2019
  3. The Circle only has one side

    The Circle only has one side New Fapstronaut

    I like this, will work towards that. Thanks :)
  4. interpaul

    interpaul Fapstronaut

    I have been on a similar path for the last year. Thru Taoist practices I am able to channel the energy and avoid PMO. After doing semen retention for an extended time the idea of loosing the build up of energy thru masturbation is less desirable, however, I also have experienced the build up of energy you describe and find it hard to manage, especially when stressors in life build up too. My body spontaneously releases energy if I get beyond 3 weeks (thru nocturnal emissions or thru meditation). It does seem to me a force that is not conquerable. Transmuting completely to achieve enlightenment, as many of the gurus claim must be an advanced practice. I do believe this is a worthy spiritual journey as I've learned so much about my mind and body in this type of practice. Ideally there would be more teachers in the world to guide individuals in these esoteric practices.
    guy_376 and FapistMonk like this.