Feeling the desire to date

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Deleted Account, Jan 17, 2020.

  1. I seem to go through periods of my life where out of no where I have a strong desire to date someone, I want to get married honestly. Problem with me is I am super quirky and odd and because of that hard to approach from what I have been told which is accurate I would say, also I am picky with who I date, I highly prefer a woman of higher than average intelligence, someone who can satisfy my craving for deep conversation and has a deeper understanding of things, also I would ideally prefer her be somewhat attractive not like super model status but not ugly either. I know I am picky but i have dated low intelligence woman and let me tell you it’s like talking to a rock and if you think about it if you are going to spend the rest of your life with someone you minus well have the basic things like that checked off or things will inevitably fail, also I would like to find a woman with a strong faith in God so we can inspire each other and grow together. I suppose to do that I need to learn to become more social, it is a useful skill that I should learn I realize especially if I want to get anywhere with woman.
  2. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    I don't care about how intelligent she is. All I care is how she makes me feel. Of course, I am not going to say I'm am not attracted by looks, but all I need is to stare at her face and like what I see, nothing else.
    Kligor likes this.
  3. CTRL + DEL

    CTRL + DEL Fapstronaut

    Do you think you can deliver equally on any of those points?
    Hachiro likes this.
  4. Definitely, I look for people who can satisfy my needs so naturally I would be able to deliver just as much.
  5. When I was a young teenager I would date just any good looking girl it was all about getting laid back than and images, now I see a pretty girl and see how her personality is if that is not good or she is obviously not smart than I will pass, it might seem silly but I love deep topics and conversations, and from my experience only intelligent people can satisfy that for me.
  6. Johnny13

    Johnny13 Fapstronaut

    Bro I feel you. I'm almost the same way.
    Sometimes I'm cool and free when I'm single, but times come like you mentioned you just want to start dating a women, not just someone to have a night with. But your equal.

    Yes, we have to be more social and learn that. Because dating is a numbers game, the one you look for might be 1 out of 35, so you gotta go trough all those 34 girls.
    That's how I feel
    BravelyKegger likes this.
  7. KOD19

    KOD19 Fapstronaut

    Right there with you man. I'll be going along living life and feeling good and something will happen, usually in a social setting, and I realize I don't have a partner. Like I'm a 5th or 7th wheel some times. It hits me like man I still don't have someone who will "have my back" in a way. It's disappointing that way. That's why I initially got on dating apps to sift through those women and get to someone who could be my equal as you and @Johnny13 said. But dating apps is like the porn of dating and I rarely got good dates of people I was remotely attracted to.

    So now, I still don't date really. At least I don't look to. The best relationships I've been in were ones that were unexpected. She kind of popped out of nowhere. So it may take a little patience.
    BravelyKegger likes this.
  8. I wonder if talking to random chicks on the street is the way to go?.
  9. It's a great exercise. I want to improve my social skills and I'm planning on talking to random people too, guys or girls. But unlike you, I can just talk to girls, I can't get any further, not even dating. For now at least. So if you do want to date, it's the way to go. Talk to random girls from anyplace is a great way to meet interesting women.
    BravelyKegger and KOD19 like this.
  10. The thruth is that women really pick the man, you at best can show off the part that you want of you for them
  11. KOD19

    KOD19 Fapstronaut

    Check out The Mountain Top Podcast or the Tripp Advice podcast. Both go into detail on conquering approach anxiety and talking to random women. I still haven't built up the courage to do it. To be fair, I haven't given myself many opportunities or thought about it that much. But if you need help, check out those podcasts.