Fleshlight to avoid porn and masturbation ?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Gangsta93, Jan 6, 2018.

Should i use a fleshlight and masturbate normally ?

  1. Yes

  2. Not for a while (Until sensitivity is back)

  3. Nope

  1. My thoughts exactly.
    I used to have extreme death grip also, and I trained myself out of it using standard (smooth) Fleshlite, and it worked like a miracle. My sensitivity is restored and sen is once again pleasurable experience.

    What comes to owning or using a sex toy, I don't think it's pathetic at all. Sex toys are magnificent way to explore your body, and to be honest, I find using a sex toy much more better solution than having sex with some skank from the bar. No fear of diseases and no self-loathing afterwards.
  2. Sex is NOT a need. It’s not like oxygen, water or food. Many people go their whole lives without sex of any kind and they’re not sick, dying, or losing their minds.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. Omnitron310

    Omnitron310 Fapstronaut

    It may not be a NEED, but neither is companionship, parental affection, a comfy home, tasty food, etc. There are many things that humans don't need to survive, but are still highly important in people's lives to the point that they will suffer without them (or at least not be able to experience full happiness and fulfilment). Of course, everyone is different, and there probably are people out there who are content to go through life without any form of sexual contact from themselves or others. But I think they are in the minority, and for most people who have no sexual aspect to their lives at all, it isn't by choice. These are also the people who are most likely to turn to porn and compulsive PMO to help fill that hole they feel.

    What I'm trying to say is that some form of regular sexual experience is a normal, healthy desire for most people, and for people who either don't currently have a partner or whose partner is away, masturbation can be an effective and appropriate substitute. The key is to not do it too often, treat it like a proper sexual experience and not a quick, shameful jerk, and to not overstimulate your mind with porn. The reason I (and I'm sure many others) choose to abstain from masturbation completely during their reboot is because, for us, masturbation is closely linked to unhealthy pornography habits, so its safer just to cut it out completely. But I think once someone has unwired that harmful pornographic conditioning from their brain, it should be possible to resume masturbation again, provided it's approached how I said above.
    DaveHana and Deleted Account like this.
  4. Dillby-dude

    Dillby-dude Fapstronaut

    Pocket pussys still provide an unnatural sensation as they are usually rigid inside and generally tighter than than your average vagina. From my experience I would recommend going full hard mode for 90 days and keep that pocket pussy out of reach. They are no better than a death grip brother, mine completely ruined sex for me until I threw that shit away.
  5. If we let our primal desires control us completely, we would be no different from mindless dogs. Let me break down the reasons you gave:

    1) Their spouse is sick and unable to have sex with them
    Wait for them to get better, give them the emotional attention they need to heal. Don't go in the bathroom and jack off instead. How would you feel if you were sick, and your partner spends time jacking off, instead of spending time with you while you are hacking up loogies?

    2) Their partner is out of town
    Wait for them to return. Do something useful with your time instead....artwork, books, creating something, etc. Keep in touch with them if you can.

    3) They are single and dating but don’t want to go around having sex with any old person, they want to find the right one
    This is not a valid reason, because if you were single and dating, you should be focusing on how you can further your relationship with that person, instead of jacking off and making your brain tell itself it is satisfied.

    Your approach to sex seems superficial: pure physical desires that need to be quenched. I cannot blame you though, that is how most people approach it. Treat your sexual desires like the last flame you will ever see.

    By the way, I know I come off as crude. If you find my approach too sharp, then fire back with logic, fact, and reasons to prove me wrong.
    Mike1991 and Knighthawk like this.
  6. DaveHana

    DaveHana Fapstronaut

    So glad to have found this thread, and hope you all don't mind me chiming in nearly a year later. 37/m I have been on NoFap for a long while now, have been through several reboots and have broken my porn addiction. I'm currently in hard mode and I usually start going out of my mind from days 7-12. Can't focus on work, or really anything for that matter. It's not healthy. I'm going through a divorce and don't want to date women until well after it's finalized. I have emotional trauma from the divorce and can't even think about dating a woman. I recently started making occasional AMP visits, and feel I'm at a risk of falling into that expensive (possibly bad) habit again. I can't function in my day to day life while on hard mode ad infinitum and have been looking for a solution. After reading this thread, I'm going to buy and try the fleshlight. I'm going to limit myself to an O every 12 days per Mantak Chia's golden rule, and will not use it in conjunction with porn. Maybe I will blindfold myself even.

    :emoji_pray: Such a helpful post. Thanks a million bruv.

    What about a case where a spouse is caring for a terminally ill spouse? I have known several such people. What about the case of Alzheimers in elderly people for which a spouse can be essentially braindead for a period of many, many years? Would you deny the healthy spouse all forms of sex for years?