Florida School shooting

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Onehope, Feb 17, 2018.

  1. Onehope

    Onehope Fapstronaut

    So there seems to be a trend that comes from many years now where young teenagers take arms and kill many people. In schools its happened a lot, and people still blame guns.

    Im not some NRA member, I think gun control is important, there should be less powerful guns available to the public. But still, people should be capable of defending themselves.

    I think schools should have armed security guards posted on all corners with green light to shoot anyone who threatens the life of anyone at the school. And perhaps teachers should be armed too and trained with guns.

    If people think taking guns away from the public let me tell you why thats wrong.

    Here in Puerto Rico its really hard to get a gun, there are so many regulations you cant just get a gun, and its really expensive to get a permit, because of that most people here have no protection.

    There are several cases, like world record cases of people being killed by illegal guns, in the drug war. And people die as collateral damage.

    If we had an easier way to have guns, we could stand a chance.

    In the U.S. theres a serious mental health problem, and it needs to be addressed.

    Blaming guns is like blaming knives from stabbings.
    Gotham Outlaw likes this.
  2. HatePorn

    HatePorn Fapstronaut

    I dont blame guns at all... I blame the education, in a country were people are allowed to posses guns should be a very sever education from the parents themselves.

    I used to live in Europe and trust me, you wont see a kid talking to his mom like this

    In US its something normal...
    Gotham Outlaw and Onehope like this.
  3. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    I think gun safety should be taught in schools, since a lot of parents aren't teaching it to their kids. There were actually a few places where it was, but someone had a problem with it and got it removed. Thankfully my dad taught my brother and I gun safety.
  4. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    I actually used this once in a current events class in highschool. I definitely agree that there should be school security, maybe unemployed veterans. They've obviously trained with guns before, and it would help them find jobs.
    Deleted Account and HatePorn like this.
  5. Yeah, but a lot of shit is fake too and that needs to be addressed as well. It's ridiculous.

    And eventually it all leads to guns being the problem, and banning them is the only solution. Clearly there's a agenda to take guns away completely. I just don't buy this crybaby bullshit.
  6. I live in Europe and some kids do talk like that to their parents. The idea there's greater respect over here is ridiculous imo.

    Anyone can say what they want but the facts we haven't had a school shooting since 1996.

    I think America has an obsession with violence but no one knows what will happen if there was a gun ban.

    Saying guns don't kill people do is like saying we shouldn't have filters because computers don't look at porn people do.
  7. HatePorn

    HatePorn Fapstronaut

    Well I didnt mean all kids, I have this habit when I say everyone, I mean majority. These unrespecful kids is inevitable regardless of the place.
  8. Crees lo que dicen las noticias sobre el
  9. Well I think it's the majority.
  10. Michael S.M.

    Michael S.M. Fapstronaut

    I personally think we should arm our teachers and have a mandatory gun training course for said teachers.
    After all, we trust the police with the safety of the current generation, why shouldn't we trust teachers with the safety of the next generation?
    Onehope likes this.
  11. Michael S.M.

    Michael S.M. Fapstronaut

    Or another way to think of it is: we trust teachers to educate American children, why shouldn't we trust them to protect those children as well? As someone who is currently in high school, this is very concerning to me.
    Onehope likes this.
  12. MLMVSS

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    Giving guns to overworked, overstressed and underpaid teachers? Sounds like a fantastic idea...

    Just contract out a few security guards.

    Also, get your government to actually follow tips and do proper background checks. If your government can’t even do that, more laws won’t help.
  13. scote73

    scote73 Fapstronaut

    I'm genuinely curious...what are the procedures for handling potentially dangerous people who have no history of commiting a crime?
  14. MLMVSS

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    That was in reference to the Church shooting a few months ago when the US Military apparently couldn't catalogue critical information.
  15. scote73

    scote73 Fapstronaut

    I see, thanks for clearing that up :)

    I do still wonder though, if anyone can explain, what the FBI's procedures are for handling potentially dangerous people? They allegedly knew about the Florida shooter, knew of his social media posts, etc. What could/should they have done to prevent this?
    MLMVSS likes this.
  16. I don’t get comments like this. What are you trying to say? Are you implying teachers don’t have enough common sense or control to carry a firearm and not take their frustrations out on their students?

    Allowing teachers to be armed is, IMO, a fantastic idea. Here’s a video of a Texas school showing you how it’s done.

    PS. I’m sure the teachers in this rural town are also overworked, overstressed, and underpaid, and yet here they are making it work and doing it in a smart and professional way.
  17. MLMVSS

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    Some teachers can’t control themselves enough to the point where they have sex with their students, which can be just as traumatising to a student as surviving a school shooting. Plus, a teacher’s job is to teach. If they want to be armed, then fine, but that shouldn’t ever be part of the job calling.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2018
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. Onehope

    Onehope Fapstronaut

    Im not sure how many times you see in the news teachers killing their students.

    But I bet school shootings are pretty common.
  19. First off that’s a big leap when it comes to reasoning. Secondly, I don’t think you could even compare the two in terms of trauma.

    No one is advocating it be mandatory.
  20. Teachers make around $45k, plenty to live on. Overworked my dick. Stressed, I would be too.