Hello, everyone! 29 years old newbie

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by hiroshima, Feb 7, 2017.

  1. hiroshima

    hiroshima Fapstronaut

    Hello. Happy to be here! I'm 29 years old male.
    I'm not really using real porn that much. But I've been masturbating a lot since I was a little child. Even before I could ejaculate. Most of the time I was using erotic pictures, which are kinda nude art photography (beautiful stuff, but that fact was not making me feel better). I had periods in my life when I was not masturbating this often. But lately I've been doing it almost every day. Sometimes right after I woke up. I felt that i'm addicted, that I'm loosing my energy. I was not happy in my relationship. I was thinking about sex all the time. That made my partners not happy. At the times when I din't have girlfriend I felt incomplete, I felt that crazy urge to have sex that particular day(which is most of the time impossible to do without a partner, so you end up feeling empty). I felt like i'm a horny animal.
    Also lately I've been depressed for many month in a row. Those pictures were now not enough for me so I started watching porn, too. I was waking up super late every day (up to 5 pm sometimes).
    So once I was randomly googling stuff about quitting masturbation. I've found videos of one guy doing NoFap. It gave me hope. I came here. Now I see that I can be free. The idea of NoFap gave me energy to fight my depression.
    With my last girlfriends I also had this problem called premature ejaculation and one of them told me that it can be caused by masturbating so much. That problem made me insecure in sex life. So I hope my reboot can help me with that, too. I kinda feel those things are connected.
    Today is my 9th day without masturbating. It feels awesome. I also stopped using internet that much and stopped playing video games.
    I want to start my 90 day reboot today in a hard more (PMO).
    I've also started to work on two habits: waking up at 6.30 every day (problems with sleep were just too big) and meditating 1 hr before I go to bed. I don't want to make working on this habits a part of my reboot, though. I mean, I won't reset if I fail to wake up at 6.30 once. So my rebooting parameters are only PMO.
    Thank you for your attention, guys!
  2. Hello Hiroshima, and welcome to NoFap! Check out our starter e-book if you haven't already. It will provide you with all the information you need to get started on your reboot.

    Rebooting should definitely help you sexual dysfunctions. Just make sure not to expect that much improvement right away. It takes time. But because you haven't used pornography heavily, I think it will go really fast. That is if you are consistent with your reboot, have a plan for urges, and always remember why you started rebooting.

    Wish you the best! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
  3. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Congratulations on making it to Day 9!!'

    Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and not judge you.

    What are your current strategies for combating the enemy called PMO?
  4. hiroshima

    hiroshima Fapstronaut

    Thank you! I have downloaded the book. Will start reading it. I've also read the long "rebooting basics" article.
    Yeah, I'm not expecting everything to change immediately. I'm ready to work. I'm ready to change. I already feel that something is changing.
    Thank you for your kind words again!

    Great to hear that! Thank you!
    Well, strategies... I wasn't really thinking of it that way. But maybe I should. I think main strategy is to change everything completely. See, I also stopped watching TV-series, playing video games. I started waking up early and meditating before going to bed. I don't use internet for random browsing anymore. I think this will keep me out of those dangerous states of mind, when I used to look at those pics and M. Trying to keep myself busy with something like cleaning the house, watching serious old art-house movies, working on my hobbies.
    For some unpredictable situations I have the NoFap app and this forum, where I can get help.
    Also I feel that I have that momentum that will keep me going. I have experience of quitting smoking 2,5 years ago. And I remember that feeling of having enough energy to simply "jump" from smoking to non-smoking state of mind without looking back. Don't want to sound arrogant, though. I know that relapses can happen. And, yeah, I would rely on the app and this forum then... I will keep reading stuff about NoFap and all the benefits.
  5. Great to here! Yes just the awareness that porn can be a problem in your life is a huge change in itself. It allows you to assign a cause, and with a cause you are much more likely to find a solution. That brings a lot of hope.
  6. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

  7. hiroshima

    hiroshima Fapstronaut

    Agree! I also didn't expect to find such a nice community/website. Cause, you know, M is not smth you can talk about with anyone. When you're quitting smoking you can tell everyone that you're a hero, but this is different. I have only 1 friend with whom I can discuss that stuff. So this place really helps.
    Thank you, I will!
    D . J . likes this.
  8. hiroshima

    hiroshima Fapstronaut

    Great tips! Thanks again!

    Found typo here:
    33. PMO is not a need; ... yearning, striving and persevering again PMO.
    D . J . likes this.
  9. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

  10. Yes that is very typical. That's what these forums are for! To be a safe place for people to discuss what they would typically be too embarrassed to discuss. Many people here never tell their friends of family about their addiction. They use the forums as their source of accountability instead.
    hiroshima likes this.