How come there's no NoFap App?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Mar 16, 2020.

  1. Does anyone know?
    (I guess they'll call it NoFapp obviously)
    goodnice 2.0 likes this.
  2. ShadyPerson

    ShadyPerson Fapstronaut

    Propably lack of resources and/or demand. Making and upholding a well functioning app isn't easy or free and as far as I have understood Alexander is kinda short on money. Also if people here haven't seen it as something necessary for their progress, there wouldn't have been any reason to make it anyways.
    recon117 and Baowistop like this.
  3. Google play removed it for whatever reason, Im sure @Alexander has the apk, I wonder if he would make us a download link.

    for now the best you can do is create a shortcut, firefox is great it keeps the nofap logo :)
    recon117, goodnice 2.0 and Baowistop like this.
  4. good question! An app would be great

    i want to make the app
    Baowistop likes this.
  5. We have a saying, "Seeming is being."
    fg4795 likes this.