I could use some Help...

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Coolbuddy7, Jan 17, 2019.

  1. Coolbuddy7

    Coolbuddy7 Fapstronaut

    Hi, I just wanted some help. Please help me for I am in dire straits. I am a school going student, but I am not motivated to learn given that I used to learn very well, but, not performing well now. I am not feeling like reading my textbooks or Other things just because they're less interesting, and I gave in to porn after 5 days going Porn-less, and then began the cycle of continuous P-M which I am not eventually able to breathe out of ! I have a lot of Tests going on right now, I am on no social media platform except for Whatsapp ( because, I contact my teachers so. ), but, I use youtube a lot and I love playing Football games or Watching Football games (European Football). Also the blue light from multiple screens are killing me. Like, I don't feel like going to sleep because there's some interesting series going on on the TV or a cool Movie, or something on youtube. So I sleep less, and my day just gets worse. I am just not learning enough ! and whenever I jerk-off (recently after the 5-day stint :p ), I feel like, why should I start Abstaining from P-M, I could just start it from tomorrow or Later ? I get into procrastinating and get involved with P again and Just jerk-off again. This is what is happening to me, and I wasn't a lot active on nofap for the last couple of days, so I guess that could have had an effect on me, had I been here, like I wouldn't have Masturbated ! So, I would welcome all Ideas and could use a Lot of help. Even your consideration to help me would give me hope. So , please do help me !
  2. Topic

    Topic Fapstronaut

    I think you need to concentrate your attention on your studies. If there are too many distractions at home, a library should offer a good working environment for you. Perhaps challenge yourself and set goals everyday. I'm not saying not to play videos games, just manage your time better. You don't want to end up re-taking your tests. It happened to a friend of mine and he had to retake his last year at uni.
  3. Coolbuddy7

    Coolbuddy7 Fapstronaut

    Sure thing ! :) Thank you for the reply !
  4. Clarke

    Clarke Fapstronaut

    If you're using porn as a way to manage stress, you're probably better off waiting until after exams to try to quit because it takes time to learn new coping strategies and trying to do that during a period of high stress is setting yourself up for failure in terms of both school and pmo. Just try to waste as little time as possible. Maybe only do it in the morning or at night and set a time limit for yourself.
  5. Coolbuddy7

    Coolbuddy7 Fapstronaut

    Yeah, that sounds cool, but just seeing the Day 1 on my PMO tracker on NoFap just drives and pushes me so much to go ahead with it, I think no matter what be the circumstance, I wouldn't give in to P-M again !
  6. Hi, CoolBuddy7. You sound exactly like me. I'm in school to, facing the same problems as you. Congratulations on your three day streak so far, I recently broke my streak yesterday. I know where you're coming from; you're a brilliant student, so I expect that you have high expectations for yourself. I know I do, I always feel ashamed at school because I'm a top performer and the teachers' pet. I'm a prefect as well. If you'd like, we can be buddies, you know, from one student to another, even though you're two years older than me. Although, I did get into addiction quite early and have experienced teenage depression. Wanna talk? If it helps, you can check out my story to see if there're any similarities.

    Check out the video, by the way.
  7. Coolbuddy7

    Coolbuddy7 Fapstronaut

    Sure, Also something I wanna tell you, I love the youtube channel in your account name [Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell] ! They make Wow-y videos !

    I would love to !
  8. Coolbuddy7

    Coolbuddy7 Fapstronaut

    I am not a brilliant student by the way, well I am a well above average student maybe ! I am brilliant at flashes but there are better people than me now !
  9. There’ll always be people better than you at something, but no one can force self improvement upon you. It’s you who’s doing that. You know, the cliche don’t be the best but do your best,
  10. Reboot16

    Reboot16 Fapstronaut

    You just need to not make your goals overwhelming. This is a problem that simply can't be fixed in 5 minutes. I know some folks are into the no masturbating at all, but I'm not really into that as I believe masturbation is a pretty healthy thing as long as it's done in moderation, so I'll just tell you my recommendation and then you can decide what to do -

    If I were you, effective immediately, NO MORE PORN. NO MORE FANTASIZING ABOUT PORN. It's tough to go from being used to masturbating like everyday to never again - try what works for some smokers - ween yourself. Effective from the last time you had an orgasm, starting forcing yourself to go at least 48 hours before your next one. And hold yourself accountable. Do whatever you have to do to ensure it doesn't happen - go study in a lounge so you're around other people if you're afraid to be alone, go lift weights, etc. - if you haven't done that much before, you'll be blown away how good you feel after working out. Do what you gotta do to make it happen. Once you've done 48 hour gaps for a week or two, move to 72 hours, and so on and so forth until you're only masturbating once or twice a week at most, or whatever you're comfortable with and I think you'll be fine. :)
  11. Morolto

    Morolto Fapstronaut

    just getting started myself. i consistently read on these boards that boredom is your worst enemy! i myself also used porn as a stress reliever in school. find new ways to manage stress and new ways to combat boredom. its great that you laid out some of your interests, and thats a good place to start. Try writing down some "alternatives" (meditating, watching old football games, stretching, reading, watching your favorite youtube channel that isnt sexually explicit, cleaning, etc.) on scraps of paper and putting them in a bowl and drawing from the bowl anytime you get a strong urge to relapse. Have faith in the process, we've got your back
  12. Coolbuddy7

    Coolbuddy7 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the nice message !

    Seems like a great idea and I will surely follow that ! Also by the way, I workout, have been for the last 4 years, and I agree with your opinion.

    I am definitely trying this one. Seems so cool ! Thank you for the idea.