I have found the cure to pmo

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Aug 1, 2017.

  1. I'm Luqman, 22yrs old. I've been addicted to pmo for the past 7 to 8 yrs. I've tried to quit numerous times but couldn't. I always relapse and today was one of those days as I binged badly. I was very sad and so I surfed YouTube for some motivational videos. There and then I found this video
    A lady called Claudia was giving a Ted talk about her addiction to alcohol and how she overcame it using a method called the-sinclaire-method(TSM). I researched on Google and found this site https://www.the-sinclair-method.com/
    it all boils down to taking a pill. Let me not spoil the fun check it out for yourself and please let me know your thoughts on this. We may have finally found our cure.
  2. Daddyfats23

    Daddyfats23 Fapstronaut

    It works kind of the same way Chantix works for quitting smoking! It blocks receptors from craving.
    I did Chantix for 3 weeks and stopped smoking now over 2 months but wel I was on it I literally felt the same way about PMO . I am still struggling but have been doing great streaks defintely getting better! Trying to cur PIED! It's working a lot better now!!
  3. That means the sinclaire method will work?
  4. Leonidas_de_Sparte

    Leonidas_de_Sparte Fapstronaut

    Any news from Sinclair Method application to other addictions ?
  5. Daddyfats23

    Daddyfats23 Fapstronaut

    Nothing but will power strength and Jesus Christ is going to help us!!!
    Lol. Everyone has a number when there trying to fight an addiction !! Mine is coming up !! Little victories lead to the road of the Biggest victory of all!!
    BeautyForAshes likes this.
  6. Leonidas_de_Sparte

    Leonidas_de_Sparte Fapstronaut

    Quora :

    Does the Sinclair Method work for Porn addiction ?

    Probably not. There hasn’t been a study to determine one way or the other, but the studies of neurochemistry and porn suggest that the pathway to porn addiction is more closely related to that of cocaine than that of heroin.

    If you want to find out, TSM involves doing the things you want to stop doing while on endorphin blockers, and doing the things you want to encourage without the endorphin blockers. If you have a good non-porn sexual activity to engage in, then shifting between “bad + blockers” and “good sans blockers” would be the way to find out. I’ve been told that post-blocker sex is supposed to be extra enjoyable.
  7. Daddyfats23

    Daddyfats23 Fapstronaut

    Shit I don't know what the hell is going to work relapsed again last night !! But as for sex enjoyable befor last few relapse I went on a 27 day no O and then got one with sex a few times and it was intense!!! I don't know why we do this to ourselves!!!
  8. Leonidas_de_Sparte

    Leonidas_de_Sparte Fapstronaut

    you did a great job before, you are going to get stronger this time : find why you had access to P, block it, use k9 or block your phone or lock it with keys outside building,house. trust me block it now asap and reply and say I have blocked the path that lead to the P content and I am safe now