I keep telling myself I don't need NoFap

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Mar 21, 2019.

  1. To start, yes I know I need it, I know for a fact I have a really bad addiction, but I keep telling myself I don't need it right now. And this is always the case every time I have a hot streak going

    I tell myself "Oh you have no friends (despite my attempts to make some) why not just relapse and get the serotonin/chemical fix that way? It'll make you feel better"

    or, "gee stress from school is really piling up on you... why not just go fap and take the edge off, make your homework/studying more tolerable"

    The worst part is me telling myself "you can do nofap at any time, but you can't right now because of the isolation, stress... maybe when you get friends/a girlfriend and you're out of school, you'll try again and it'll be easier"

    and there have been times where i've relapsed because of these thoughts but then went back on nofap and it's been a vicious loop. i'm about to hit 10 days but it's really getting difficult with these mental demons. thoughts? advice?
    PMOare4SoyBoys, Nugget9 and sgtsj like this.
  2. sgtsj

    sgtsj Fapstronaut

    It is hard, but you can do it man
  3. Nugget9

    Nugget9 Fapstronaut

    Just take it one day at a time and read on here everything you can and keep asking questions. Good luck, you sound like you are still young.
  4. Invictvs

    Invictvs Fapstronaut

    I already have written a ton about this today, so find my thread on willpower. You cannot rely on willpower alone to win. Dig through the forums and read what I and other's have written about the topic, and go out and find some information about addiction in general, and the problem of trying to "muscle" your way to quitting any addiction.
    sgtsj likes this.
  5. This hit me very hard brother. That last sentence specifically. Is there a forum for that. it would be great
  6. Newlife33

    Newlife33 Fapstronaut

    I think your mindset is healthy. You DON'T need nofap if you are healthy, but you are currently living an unhealthy lifestyle in some regards. That is why your brain is so back and forth. It wants you to take the easy way out, to give into the pleasure chemicals. But you must be strong. Instead you must stay on nofap, be honest with your feelings and change for the better everyday, slowly but surely. And then one day your prophesy will come true and you won't need nofap because you have done the work.
    Deleted Account and sgtsj like this.