Need to make a change

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by bribal, Sep 25, 2014.

  1. bribal

    bribal Fapstronaut

    Hello all,

    I hope that not fapping is finding you well. I am on day 2 of not fapping and just learned what that word meant so i am enjoying that gem. I can normally make it about a week to on the outside 1 month without PMO(Just learned what this acronym meant as well)when i break down and go back. I seem to lose a day or two of my life and feel pretty shitty about myself for the next week... until i do it all over again. its kind of funny i feel like i am living the definition of insanity.

    I am honestly just trying to find a way to make a permanent change in my life and be free.

    I am excited and hope I can make a permanent change this time.

    I have read the post of some of the members and I am impressed with the amount of time you all have gone.