new born baby

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by I'm vampire, Jan 26, 2018.

  1. I'm vampire

    I'm vampire Fapstronaut

    Hi fellow faptronauts! I'm new to this community. So please help me. I already failed in my life. So I think , this is my last chance to recover myself, i hope it will work, cos I ve no chance. So please help me guys., Please pardon me for my bad English.
  2. Hey @I'm vampire,
    Welcome to the NoFap community!
    Congratulations on your current streak.
    If you haven't already, I suggest you look at this information on rebooting. It's helpful in knowing what to expect.
    Best of luck during your reboot.
    Feel free to message me or anyone else here if you have questions or want to talk.
    Again, Welcome!
  3. Hey @I'm vampire ,

    I'm nobody special on here. Just a regular user saying, "welcome".

    There is so much support on this forum, the profiles and the various groups. It works if you work it. I don't offer advise. I offer only my ESH (experience, strength and hope).

    My ESH is that NoFap is about action and that meant work for me. It is not about "not doing something", for me, it is about working my program.

    Work it? Oh yeah. There's work to be done, that's what's worked for me. Two things I've found necessary.

    1. I had to Learn the NoFap Program.

    2. Getting involved with the community on here was vital to help my recovery.

    Learn the NoFap Program
    The resources listed on the "New Users: List of Rebooting Resources" helped me find my way around the reasons behind the program and the terms used.

    They are:

    You can find this same list on the top of the forum you posted this message on at - the "New to NoFap" forum.

    Get Involved with the Community
    The community has been my lifeline. I've found journals I love, people who are very supportive and a place where I could get to work helping in a small way others.

    Remember, I'm just a normal user with no magic powers. But, I can:

    • Read Journals, and comment when I have ESH
    • Find people I admire and stay in touch via their profiles
    • Pick a forum and make sure every post gets and answer. I can't answer them all, but that's good - different opinions make for a better group.
    • Post in my journal (I could be better at it - but I do milestone posts at least) To make a journal go to the section listed by age and start one. Keep all your journal posts in one thread. But, for random thoughts, you can create a new thread.
    Looking forward to seeing you around on the forums,

    * L

    PS - Think of pmo like a wolf. Stay near the center of the group with the winners and the wolf has a more difficult time finding you. But, stray near the edges of the community and the wolf can pick you off.
    I'm vampire likes this.
  4. billijean1990

    billijean1990 Fapstronaut

    I want to start talking about ESH again, as I also need help, but this concerns my child. In June 2013, the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) and the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) presented new guidelines for its treatment at the Annual European Conference on Arterial Hypertension (AH). They are a continuation of the recommendations from 2003 and 2007, updated and supplemented in 2009. Everything is on the principles. The recommendations were developed over 18 months and were reviewed twice by 42 European experts (21 from each Society) before publication. Now they have been canceled and the child and I do not know what to do, the doctors cannot help with anything.
    I changed my child's food to the expensive and better, changed doctors, the country of residence, we have not moved anything in 6 months, this is a disaster, I need advice on how to treat it
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2020
  5. MexFighter

    MexFighter Fapstronaut

    There's hope!!!!
    Keep fighting the battle!