No more denial

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Deleted Account, Jan 12, 2021.

  1. Hello all! So for a little bit about why I am here. For the longest time I have just denied the sheer severity of porn addiction, how problematic it is and how it impacts the mind and how you view yourself as a person. Many times I toyed with the idea of quitting fapping and porn all together but simply didn't have the determination and a whole bag of excuses I'd tell myself.

    I hate being like this, and I have no idea what to do to change this aspect about myself. If any of you kind folks have any hints or tips and how to begin this journey I would greatly appreciate it, mind you, I don't want shortcuts to this, I want to rid my self of this addiction and be the nest version of myself
    John356 and df990 like this.
  2. bama_lost

    bama_lost Fapstronaut

    Start with today. Then get through tomorrow. And so on, and so on. Figure out what the triggers are, why you do it. For many of us it's more about stress and emotional well-being, lack of control in our lives, motivation and boredom. Filling time with PMO can feel like it's a valuable use of time because of the way it makes us feel (or not feel, when it comes to the weight of the rest of our lives) - but, ultimately, it's a waste of time and takes away from motivation to tackle any positive endeavors of life.

    Find things that bring you some kind of joy - no matter how small - some sense of purpose. Start with one, and make it a focus. If that's not enough, add another, then another. Learn about mindfulness and maybe meditation. Perhaps new, healthy routines would be beneficial to you. Many on here take to making a very regimented schedule for themselves.

    Find many resources... including the forums on here, and educate yourself. Support groups, online courses, professional therapy... these can all also be beneficial as well.
    Newbreathoflife likes this.
  3. Thank you for making the time to respond! I have in a sense began the practice of key stone habits, tidying being one of them.
    It was an interesting idea that it feels like a feels like a valuable use of time and honestly I had felt that many times, only afterwards to feel it was wrong. It certainly puts a new spin on it all for myself personally.
    I should draw up a routine plan for after work.
    bama_lost likes this.
  4. better than yesterday

    better than yesterday Fapstronaut

    daily journaling, cold showers and exercise will help
    bama_lost likes this.