Physical energy vs mental energy during abstinence/nofap/norelease or so

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by Deleted Account, Oct 22, 2019.

  1. So, i'm on around day 30 atm. I've noticed i face often this during abstinence/nofap/norelease
    or so that physically i'm feeling good but mentally there is more or less declining.

    Especially i feel i cannot focus and be brainy-productive. I would like to read books
    but like atm i feel i'm ditching a book in few minutes as waste of time as cannot focus
    what i'm reading. Or if should do something complex, like programming or math,
    it would feel like a joke or torture :D

    However, it is not just about focus as i can meditate okay but though it is
    also slightly different than out of abstinence/nofap/norelease or so.

    Is it something that somehow increased energy isn't fueling enough brain?

    Do you people have had similar problem? How do you move the energy also
    supply and support mental side? I don't think my meditation do that it just
    helps cope with urges by balancing them.

    The best times for reading or other such interests have been often the first
    1-3 days. :confused:
  2. Captain!

    Captain! Fapstronaut

    Dont worry its just withrawal symptoms. the physical body is expressing that you have been an addict of PMO. Itll take days or so. Just dont edge or relapse itll be over soon.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. Grey is colourless

    Grey is colourless Fapstronaut

    Yes practice hardcore mental concentration exercises for 30-50minutes a day and your problem will go away. Mind will be at a maximum that current body power can afford to exert as mind consciousness. 'superpowers' will be maximised too somewhat with supression symptoms completly eradicated.

    I would recommend gazing practice called trataka sometimes. Natural blinking if it happens and no closing eyes. Get a target to gaze at, 1-2 meters preferably a bit above eye level (too up mind daydreams, too down mind sleeps). Gazing practice is actualy a whole body practice indeed! and every second you are trying to use your mental equinimity at full power. There is no build up of focus like in breath attention loop exercises.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. I'm not sure is it withdrawal symptom as i'm not actually very addicted to porn or
    anyways the days of daily waste of sexual energy are far behind :p Just however, i know
    this is normal to me if going this road, and it is discouraging.
    In my understanding after 2 weeks i should be already pretty clear from withdrawls :confused:
    (dopamine levels has by then reached normality)

    That trataka thing. I have actually little experiences about trataka. I've tried gazing candle
    in darkened room. Just, i was too worried i cause some trouble to my eyes/nervous
    system by creating such a strong contrast difference on my retina :rolleyes: And because of
    this slight worry, i think the gazing was just harmful. Anyways, my eyes gets easily
    stressed whether it is just meditation or something else. So trataka might not be for me :(
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2019
  5. Grey is colourless

    Grey is colourless Fapstronaut

    That's silly bro :) A candle first of all is natural. If that was the case coming out of a dark room in the pure daylight would be harmful and its the opposite actually. Its light bulbs and artifiical screens (lcd, oled, etc) that are harmful. I can testify in practice no theory as Ive practiced it. Ive no idea what it is, but these artificial light sources are not good. Light is never meant to break you. Can a taste break your tongue? Can a simple touch cripple you? Can a smell impair your smelling ability? ...

    If you gert double vision you are merely exposing the weakness in your eyes. You are actually strengthening the eye muscles when you retry. The eye balls are the most active muslces in the body and are also active 24/7!!!!!!!! So exercise like that is good for them. Only unnecesary straining is bad. LIke trying to strain your eye balls.

    Just "LOOK". That includes a mechanism that is perfectly natural and strengthens the muscles. If you keep your eyes closed for years and don't look in the distance to try and make things out (exercise the muscles) then they atrophy. Otherwise ANY KIND OF EXERCISE OF THE EYES IS -GOOD-.

    Just keep at it; if you can't use a candle print a small dot on a paper and take it on the wall. Make it small enough so you see it but don't have space to look around the dot.
    Deleted Account likes this.